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T.C.E.D.I. Open Visitors Management System
Apache License 2.0
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======================================================================================================= T.C.E.D.I. Open Visitors Management System Copyright (c) 2016 by T.C.E.D.I. (Jean-Denis Tenaerts)

T.C.E.D.I. Open Visitors Management System is a derivative work based on phpVisitorBadge Enhanced. phpVisitorBadge Enhanced Copyright (c) 2010-2016 RKW ACE S.A.

phpVisitorBadge Enhanced is a derivative work based on the original version of phpVisitorBadge. phpVisitorBadge Copyright (c) 2010 by NCA/KRK.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Please see NOTICE file for details about portions of code from other sources and third-party libraries used in this software.

Web based visitors management system for enterprise internal use.






T.C.E.D.I. Open Visitors Management System allows visitors to check-in from web client front end. Depending on the configuration, the visitors may be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement with your company. Once the visitor has performed check-in and signed the non-disclosure agreement (if required), a visitor badge is automatically printed on a label printer by the system. For the visitors (main.php) and receptionist (reception-view.php) front ends, data base user needs the rights to add (INSERT) and modify (UPDATE) records, but no need to remove (DELETE) or execute (EXECUTE). For administrator frontend (admin.php), data base user needs the right to remove (DELETE) for using the feature to clear the database.

htaccess.dist file (basis for an .htaccess file) is included for Apache.


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS visitors ( visitorID int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(visitorID), Location VARCHAR(50), FirstName VARCHAR(255), LastName VARCHAR(255), Company VARCHAR(255), Visiting VARCHAR(255), Email VARCHAR(255), vehicleonsite INTEGER, licenseplate VARCHAR(25), Legal VARCHAR(10), inDate VARCHAR(30), outDate VARCHAR(30), SignOutFlag Binary );



If you wish to remove/disable a translation, move or cut and paste the folder containing the translation outside "languages" folder. For example, in a new folder named "disabled-languages".


CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS visitors CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS visitors ( visitorID int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(visitorID), Location VARCHAR(50), FirstName VARCHAR(255), LastName VARCHAR(255), Company VARCHAR(255), Visiting VARCHAR(255), Email VARCHAR(255), vehicleonsite INTEGER, licenseplate VARCHAR(25), Legal VARCHAR(10), inDate VARCHAR(30), outDate VARCHAR(30), SignOutFlag Binary );



[+] = Added [*] = Changed [#] = Fixed [-] = Removed [?] = Information

T.C.E.D.I. Open Visitors Management System 0.10 (2016-11-16)

[+] It is now possible to show or hide the link to the reception view page (reception-view.php) in the footer of the main page (main.php) from settings.php (parameter). [+] It is now possible to show or hide the link to the administration page (admin.php) in the footer of the main page (main.php) from settings.php (parameter). [+] Some indications have been added in "README.TXT" to improve clarity of the content. [] Several small changes have been performed in "README.TXT" to improve clarity of the content. [#] Some typos in "README.TXT" have been fixed. [] "NOTICE" file has been updated to reflect the removal of obsolete files. [-] Obsolete "tabber.js" file has been removed. [-] Obsolete "tab.css" file has been removed.

T.C.E.D.I. Open Visitors Management System 0.10 Release Candidate 2 (2016-10-11)

[] If the receptionist is allowed to change location, the default location is now "All locations". [+] English and French translation added for admin.php. [+] Translation support added to admin.php. [] admin.php has been completely redesigned. It now uses jQuery UI. All the tables have been replaced by DIVs, etc. [] Documentation has been improved. System requirements are now available, as well as an updated install procedure, an upgrade procedure, instructions for translations, etc. [+] htaccess.dist file has been added as a basis for .htaccess file for Apache. [+] Reception view can now be accessed from main page (main.php). [+] favicon has been added to the system. [+] Go to main page button has been added to reception-view.php. [] reception-view.php has been redesigned and is now based on bootstrap and responsive. [] reception-view.php migrated to HTML5. [] reception-view.php converted to UTF-8. [] process.php migrated to HTML5. [] process.php converted to UTF-8. [+] Samples for messagebeforeprinttemplate.html. [] messagebeforeprinttemplate.html migrated to HTML5. [] messagebeforeprinttemplate.html converted to UTF-8. [] messagebeforeprint.php migrated to HTML5. [] messagebeforeprint.php converted to UTF-8. [+] About page added. [] legaltemplate.html migrated to HTML5. [] legaltemplate.html converted to UTF-8. [] Places of the informations in the title have been inverted in legal.php. [] legal.php migrated to HTML5. [] legal.php converted to UTF-8. [] install.php migrated to HTML5. [] install.php converted to UTF-8. [+] index.html now shows a message whether JavaScript is not supported or disabled. [] index.html migrated to HTML5. [] index.html converted to UTF-8. [] goodbye.php migrated to HTML5. [] goodbye.php converted to UTF-8. [] database.php converted to UTF-8. [+] placeholder support added in order to improve UI friendliness in signout.php. [#] Auto complete is now also disabled in input fields from the virtual keyboard in signout.php. [] signout.php migrated to HTML5. [] signout.php converted to UTF-8. [] printbadge.php migrated to HTML5. [] Variable values are now converted from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 in badgetemplate.php files, because FPDF does not support UTF-8, except for SetTitle() with second parameter set to true. [+] Helper section for FPDF added to badgetemplate.php files. [] badgetemplate.php converted to UTF-8. [+] It is now possible to define the username to use for printing jobs with IPP. [] Validity date fallback value is now in ISO format "yyyy-mm-dd". [+] Date localization support added to printbadge.php. Requires PHP >= 5.3.0 with php_intl extension. Not used if unavailable. [] printbadge.php converted to UTF-8. [] barriercode.php migrated to HTML5. [] barriercode.php converted to UTF-8. [#] Auto complete is now also disabled in input fields from the virtual keyboard in main.php. [] Adapt maxlength attribute for input fields in main.php. [] admin.php migrated to HTML5. [] admin.php converted to UTF-8. [] Places of the informations in the title have been inverted in main.php. [+] placeholder support added in order to improve UI friendliness in main.php. [] main.php converted to UTF-8. [] main.php migrated to HTML5. [+] It is now possible to enable/disable virtual keyboard support from settings.php. [] Joomla contacts support should now be compatible with Joomla 1.5 up to 3.x. [] accessdenied.html is now based on bootstrap. [] accessdenied.html converted to UTF-8. [] accessdenied.html migrated to HTML5. [+] PHP 7 support added. [+] PHP 5.6 support added. [-] PHP 4 support dropped. [] Upgrade to PHP::PRINT:IPP 0.83. [] Migration from MySQL extension to MySQLi. [] ereg_replace replaced by preg_replace.

phpVisitorBadge Enhanced 2.00 BETA 8 (2016-04-04)

[*] Version information has been updated. [+] It is now possible to hide optional e-Mail input field from settings.php

phpVisitorBadge Enhanced 2.00 BETA 7 (2015-05-18)

[#] Some parts of the code have been improved/fixed in order to avoid useless PHP notices in the error log. [+] Default IPP Printer support added, for use as a fallback. [+] IPP Printer per client fixed IP array support added. [+] Flag per language added. [] Major UI changes for language selection which are also touch screen friendly have been made. [] Major UI improvements for optimizing touch screen support. [+] jQuery UI with theme support added. [+] Javascript virtual keyboard added for touch screen support. [*] Javascript popup based system replaced by a redirection system in the whole frontend, so that no more window can be "hidden" in the background by mistake.

phpVisitorBadge Enhanced 2.00 BETA 4 (2014-07-17)

[*] reception-view.php short php tag form replaced for compatibility with newer versions of PHP.

phpVisitorBadge Enhanced 2.00 BETA 3 (2010-08-25)

[+] table.admin style added to visitors.css. [+] h1.admin style added to visitors.css. [*] W3C compatibility improvements have been initiated in admin.php. [#] DataBaseAdmin form fixed. The form tag was closed twice and one time before any input tag. This was a big problem under Internet Explorer 8.

phpVisitorBadge Enhanced 2.00 BETA 3 (2010-08-23)

[*] process.php updated accordingly for goodbye page support. [+] Goodbye page (with translations) added. This page is displayed after signout whether the barriercode page is not shown.

phpVisitorBadge Enhanced 2.00 BETA 3 (2010-08-12)

[] Sorting now also works with date range mode in admin.php. [] Small note added for explaining to the users how to validate their input in admin.php. [] Small layout improvements to reception-view.php. [] Translations for reception-view.php updated. [+] Link to print the page added to reception-view.php. [+] Some values (dates) have been secured from SQL injection in admin.php. [] SecureStringForDB function added to admin.php. [+] Date range full support added to admin.php. [] Range select mode enabled in admin.php. [] When "All Dates" is checked, single day input box value is set back to today in admin.php. Like this when the user switch back to single day mode, he can change the date instead of typing it from scratch. [+] Automatically checks correct Select mode (All dates, single day, date range) in admin.php. [] "MaxRows" options list is now automatically generated and the option choosen by the user is also automatically selected in admin.php. [] "MaxRows" options habe been sorted in an ascending way in admin.php. [+] "5000" and "10000" options have been added to "MaxRows" in admin.php. [] "50" option in "MaxRows" from admin.php is now selected by default. [] "Select" option in "MaxRows" from admin.php has been removed. [] When "Sign out" is used from reception-view.php the window is not closed anymore. Now the page is actualized. [*] Location change mecanism now uses GET instead of POST in order to avoid annoying confirmations for the receptionist in case of manual refresh. [-] Automatic page refresh removed from reception-view.php.

phpVisitorBadge Enhanced 2.00 BETA 2 (2010-07-17)

[+] Added accessdenied.html for having the possibility to go back to main.php if the user has not the right to access admin.php (for use with .htaccess sample). [+] Added very simple .htaccess sample for allowing access to admin.php and reception-view.php only from specified fixed IP addresses. [] Some protections against SQL injections added in process.php, etc. [+] Optional Additional Before Print message with template support (head ignored => only BODY content is retrieved) added. [+] Simple Barrier Management Integration Support added. [] Partial HTML clean up following W3C recommandations within admin.php. [#] Javascript code of UpdateQuery() in admin.php fixed to also work with IE. [+] Partial French translation added. [+] The receptionist can now be allowed to change location. [+] Legal template support added (head ignored => only BODY content is retrieved). [+] Integration with Joomla 1.5 contact details added (main.php and settings.php affected). [] UI Design of main.php completely rewritten for better and easier visitor experience (visitor.css). [] Several fields changed to VARCHAR(255) (Some composed names are very very long). [+] Two fields added for "Vehicle on site" and "License plate" to the data base. [+] JavaScripts checks moved to main.php for translation support. [] Integrated CSS removed from printbadge.php (design configuration moved to badgetemplate.html translations). [+] Badge template support added. [] Does not update the out date if the user has already performed a sign out anymore. [] HTML clean up following W3C recommandations within signout.php. [#] Fixed some mistakes with HTML elements within signout.php. [] First name and last name are asked instead of full name because it is very hard to automatically split names and especially composed names. [] Integrated CSS removed from legal.php, main.php, reception-view.php, signout.php and replaced by visitors.css. [] HTML clean up following W3C recommandations within main.php. [#] Fixed some mistakes with HTML elements within main.php. [+] Very basic multilingual support added to legal.php, main.php, printbadge.php, process.php, reception-view.php, signout.php.

phpVisitorBadge 1.70 (2010-03-29)

[#] repaired some various subnet code [#] repaired some admin page code for better reporting with dates

phpVisitorBadge 1.10 (2009-11-20)

[+] added injection sanitize code

phpVisitorBadge 1.06 (2009-09-19)

[+] added the sign out ability for receptionist [#] fixed a bug on signout page

phpVisitorBadge 1.055 (2009-09-15)

[+] added the reception-view.php page for a local view for front desk staff

phpVisitorBadge 1.051 (2009-08-28)

[] change the table text-wrap for long names [] cleaned up badge print

phpVisitorBadge 1.05 (2009-08-07)

[*] cleaned up the GUI

phpVisitorBadge 1.04 (2009-07-28)

[*] more kiosk like with a javascript page load

phpVisitorBadge 1.03 (2009-06-29)

[*] general GUI enhancements [+] added location key's for multiple sites

phpVisitorBadge 1.02 (2009-06-28)

[] cleaned up some errors and page display issues [+] added some warnings if things go bad. [+] autocomplete="off" added for ease of administration [+] created a install.php for all database creation and browser settings checks [] prevented a refresh, posting last user and re-print of data

phpVisitorBadge 1.01 (2009-06-24)

[#] bug with the URL capture on visitorID with some versions of PHP should now be using a PHP generic call

phpVisitorBadge 1.00 (2009-04-20)

[?] inital release