tchapgouv / tchap-identite

Service d'Authentication pour les produits BetaGouv
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link


Le projet Authentification otp publie un service d'authentification qui se base sur un envoi d'otp par email et par Tchap, la messagerie de l'Etat


Realm uptime can be found here :

Stack Technology

Run the local environment with docker containers

  1. copy env.sample -> env, fill in passwords with (any value you want..)
    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password
    • KC_DB_PASSWORD=password
    • TCHAP_BOT_ACCOUNT_EMAIL=service account for Tchap Identity created on Tchap Server side
    • TCHAP_BOT_PASSWORD=password for the service account
    • TCHAP_HOME_SERVER_LIST=list of home servers that tchap-identity can connect to
    • TCHAP_UNAUTHORIZED_HOME_SERVER_LIST=list of unauthorized home servers -- use to check if a user is valid
    • TCHAP_OTP_MAIL_DELAY_IN_MINUTES= (optionnal) delay to wait to send another otp to users. default 0
    • TCHAP_CODE_TIMEOUT_IN_MINUTES= (optionnal) validity of a otp code. default 60
    • TCHAP_LOG_SENSITIVE_DATA = (optionnal) log sensitive data like username. default false
    • TCHAP_HOME_REDIRECT_URL=url to redirect the user when it hits the welcome page (/admin by default)
  2. build extension with maven goal. A jar is produced with the custom providers and the custom view.

mvn clean package

to specify a version run : mvn clean install -Drevision=X.Y.Z For local development, the jar is copied to /dev/providers

  1. launch containers

docker compose up

  1. Connect to

    • keycloak admin http://localhost:8080 with admin/password
    • in realm Tchap-identite, go to Clients>tchap-identite-client-sample>credentials> "Regenerate Secret"
    • copy this secret in your open id client (see -4-)
    • email client : http://localhost:1080
  2. install a openId client sample

  1. After a modification in the java adapters, you need to compile the jar and restart keycloak. Indeed quarkus docker image does not support hot reload as of Keycloak 18 mvn clean package && docker compose restart keycloak

Code formatting

  1. To format the code, execute the following command : mvn spotless:apply
  2. You can view the diff with : git diff