tclements / Clements-Denolle-2022

Code for replication of Clements & Denolle, 2022
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This collection of codes are available to reproduce the work in:

Clements T, Denolle MA. "The Seismic Signature of California's Earthquakes, Droughts, and Floods", eartharxiv,

Please cite the paper if you use the codes.

Files to reproduce methods and results

  1. src/01-stream-auto-corr.jl: Autocorrelation of seismic noise from California on AWS
  2. src/02-single-station-dvv.jl: dv/v of single-station autocorrelations on AWS
  3. src/03-dvv-comp.jl: combine EN, EZ, NZ componentsof dv/v into single single time-series
  4. src/04-fit-thermo-hydro-models.jl: Fit hydro-elastic and thermo-elastic models to dv/v time series

Files to create manuscript figures:

  1. src/05-plot-figure-1.jl: Plot map of California seismic stations
  2. src/06-plot-figure-2-3.jl: Plot single-station autocorrelation and noise spectrum of CI.LJR
  3. src/06-plot-figure-2-3.jl: Plot CI.LJR dv/v time-series 3a. src/07-plot-figure-3-map.jl: Plot map of CI.LJR using GMT.jl
  4. src/08-plot-figure-4.jl: Plot ratio of hydro-elastic to thermo-elastic component in dv/v
  5. src/09-plot-figure-5.jl: Plot dv/v and GRACE for 2005 and 2011-2016
  6. src/10-plot-figure-6.jl: Plot dv/v near Salton Sea
  7. src/11-plot-figure-7.jl: Plot dv/v relaxation time-series after earthquakes in California
  8. src/12-plot-figure-8.jl: Plot dv/v and PGV for Ridgecrest earthquake

Files for getting/producing data

  1. src/download_zenodo.jl: Downloads data from Zenodo for reproducing figures. Run this before script before running figure scripts.
  2. src/PRISMgetscript.jl: Downloads the PRISM dataset
  3. src/bil2netcdf.jl: Converts PRISM .bil files to single netCDF file
  4. src/LJR-psd.jl: Calculates daily power spectral density for station CI.LJR
  5. src/ridgecrest-pgv.jl: Calculates peak ground velcity (PGV) for Ridgecrest earthquake
  6. src/ Calculate dispersion using Community Velocity Model and Computer Programs in Seismology

Files to produce supplementary figures

  1. src/plot_CASTAC.jl: Plots groundwater levels in the Castac valley
  2. src/plot_DISPERSION.jl: Plots surface wave sensitivity kernels for station CI.LJR
  3. src/plot_LA-DVV.jl: Plots dv/v time series for stations in the Los Angeles Basin
  4. src/plot_NJQ.jl: Plots dv/v and hydrology time series for station CI.NJQ
  5. src/plot_NJQ-map.jl: Plots station location for station CI.NJQ
  6. src/plot_RIDGECREST.jl: Plots dv/v for stations that show drop in velocity after Ridgecrest earthquake
  7. src/plot_RXH.jl: Plot dv/v time series for station CI.RXH velocity after Ridgecrest earthquake
  8. src/plot_SAL.jl: Plot dv/v time series for station CI.SAL velocity after Ridgecrest earthquake
  9. src/plot_WES.jl: Plot dv/v time series for station CI.WES