TalkingHead-1KH is a talking-head dataset consisting of YouTube videos, originally created as a benchmark for face-vid2vid:
One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencing
Ting-Chun Wang (NVIDIA), Arun Mallya (NVIDIA), Ming-Yu Liu (NVIDIA)
The dataset consists of 500k video clips, of which about 80k are greater than 512x512 resolution. Only videos under permissive licenses are included. Note that the number of videos differ from that in the original paper because a more robust preprocessing script was used to split the videos. For business inquiries, please visit our website and submit the form: NVIDIA Research Licensing.
First, unzip the metadata and put it under the root directory:
This step downloads a small subset of the dataset to verify the scripts are working on your computer. You can also skip this step if you want to directly download the entire dataset.
bash small
The processed clips should appear in small/cropped_clips
Please run
bash train
The script will automatically download the YouTube videos, split them into short clips, and then crop and trim them to include only the face regions. The final processed clips should appear in train/cropped_clips
To download the evaluation set which consists of only 1080p videos, please run
bash val
The processed clips should appear in val/cropped_clips
We also provide the reconstruction results synthesized by our model here. For each video, we use only the first frame to reconstruct all the following frames.
Furthermore, for models trained using the VoxCeleb2 dataset, we also provide comparisons using another model trained on the VoxCeleb2 dataset. Please find the reconstruction results here.
The individual videos were published in YouTube by their respective authors under Creative Commons BY 3.0 license. The metadata file, the download script file, the processing script file, and the documentation file are made available under MIT license. You can use, redistribute, and adapt it, as long as you (a) give appropriate credit by citing our paper, (b) indicate any changes that you've made, and (c) distribute any derivative works under the same license.
When collecting the data, we were careful to only include videos that – to the best of our knowledge – were intended for free use and redistribution by their respective authors. That said, we are committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who do not wish their videos to be included.
If you would like to remove your video from the dataset, you can either
This webpage borrows heavily from the FFHQ-dataset page.
If you use this dataset for your work, please cite
title={One-Shot Free-View Neural Talking-Head Synthesis for Video Conferencing},
author={Ting-Chun Wang and Arun Mallya and Ming-Yu Liu},