MCF Curve Skeletonizer
This code implements the Mean Curvature Flow (MCF) curve skeletonizer from the paper "Mean Curvature Skeletons" (Computer Graphics Forum 2012, Proc. of the Symposium on Geometry Processing). The code is adapted from my research code base. It is intentionnaly kept as simple as possible, with few dependencies, in order to be easily used in other projects. As such, only a command line demo application is available.
Note (2016-01-19): Some parts of the original algorithm are currently being improved. As such, I do no push those parts in this public repository.
The code has been only tested on GNU/Linux platforms, compiled with gcc 5.2. You need to have c++ 14 support for now, but I may get rid of this requirement as I do not really use it in this adapted version.
First check out this repository
git clone
Then edit the file Makefile to define some variables for the compilation. Select a build type by typing one of the two following lines:
make release
make debug
Once the build type is active, you can build the command line application by
typing make
Assuming you have not changed the target directory, to access the command line help, simply type:
./bin/mcf_curve_skeletonizer --help
For example, to perform two iterations of the algorithm on a mesh described by the file, with the default energy weights, type:
./bin/mcf_curve_skeletonizer -i -o eight.graph --iterations 2
This code is release under the MIT Licence. Please see the file called LICENCE.
Thomas Delame,
I would like to thanks Andrea Tagliasacchi and Ibraheem Alhashim for releasing their code on github ( I want to thank again Andrea Tagliasacchi for his constructive comments about the method.