tdhock / PeakSegDisk

Disk-Based Constrained Optimal Segmentation For Peak Detection in Huge Genomic Data
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PeakSegDisk: an R package for fast and optimal peak detection in large count data sequences. If you use this package, please read/[[][cite]] the related papers:

There are two major differences between PeakSegDisk, and other bioinformatics software for peak detection:

** Installation




if(!require(devtools))install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("tdhock/PeakSegDisk")


** Vignettes / example code

** Additional R function usage/examples

PeakSegDisk implements two new algorithms, which both read input data from disk (not R objects/memory) in order to handle very large data sets while using only O(log N) memory. So you never need to read the entire data set into R/memory, and results are saved/cached on disk for further efficiency.

*** Writing a data set to a coverage.bedGraph file

Write your data set to a [[][bedGraph]] file: plain text, with 4 tab-separated columns, chrom (chr), chromStart (int), chromEnd (int), coverage (int). The data to segment using the up-down constrained Poisson segmentation model should be non-negative integers in column 4. If your data are not genomic, that is fine, just make up a name for the first column (it is ignored). For example if you want to run the algo on the 6 data points [5, 5, 18, 15, 20, 2] you should create the following file, named coverage.bedGraph:


c 0 2 5 c 2 3 18 c 3 4 15 c 4 5 20 c 5 6 2


Note that runs of data points with the same value should be combined into a single line in the bedGraph file (e.g. the two data 5,5 at the beginning of the data sequence becomes one line with start=0 end=2 at the beginning of the bedGraph file). Also it is recommended to put the file in a folder with a name that is consistent with the start/end positions of the data. In the example above it would be =sampleID/problems/c-0-6/coverage.bedGraph=

*** PeakSegDisk::PeakSegFPOP_dir

The first algorithm is Generalized Functional Pruning Optimal Partitioning (GFPOP) with up-down (PeakSeg) constraints between adjacent segment means. To use this algorithm you must give the folder name (not the coverage.bedGraph file name) to the PeakSegFPOP_dir function:


PeakSegDisk::PeakSegFPOP_dir("sampleID/problems/c-0-6", "0.1")


Note that the second argument must be a character string that represents a penalty value (non-negative real number, larger penalties yield fewer peaks). The smallest value is "0" which yields max peaks, and the largest value is "Inf" which yields no peaks. It must be an R character string (not a real number) because that string is used to create files such as sampleID/problems/c-0-6/coverage.bedGraph_penalty=0.1_loss.tsv which are used to store/cache the results. If the files already exist (and are consistent) then PeakSegFPOP_dir just reads them; otherwise it runs the dynamic programming C++ code in order to create those files. It returns the model as a named list of data.tables -- see =help(PeakSegFPOP_dir)= for details of how to interpret.

Computational complexity: empirically O(N log N) time, O(N log N) disk, O(log N) memory. Basically you will never have to worry about running out of memory, but make sure you have some free space on the disk where you put your bedGraph file. The algorithm stores the optimal cost functions in a file named sampleID/problem/c-0-6/coverage.bedGraph_penalty=0.1.db -- for large genomic data sets (e.g. bedGraph file with 10 million lines) the db file is about 80GB.

*** PeakSegDisk::sequentialSearch_dir

GFPOP can only compute an optimal model for a given penalty value (and we can not directly specify the number of peaks). Thus we provide a sequential search algorithm which computes the model with a given number of peaks. Actually, some numbers of peaks are not computable via GFPOP, and in this case the sequential search returns the next simpler model. The first argument again must specify the folder which contains your coverage.bedGraph data file. For example,


PeakSegDisk::sequentialSearch_dir("sampleID/problems/c-0-6", 17L)


computes the most likely model with at most 17 peaks.

Computational complexity: empirically O(Nlog(N)log(P)) time, O(N log N) disk, O(log N) memory. The sequential search has the same storage requirements as one run of GFPOP, so make sure you have some free disk space. Note that it is slower than GFPOP by a factor of O(log P) -- this is because it needs to call GFPOP to solve for that number of penalties/models before finding the one with the desired number of peaks.

** Related work

[[][PeakSegOptimal::PeakSegFPOP]] provides a O(N log N) memory (and no disk usage) implementation of the PeakSegFPOP algorithm for separately calling peaks for every sample and genomic problem. In contrast the PeakSegDisk package implements the same algorithm using O(log N) memory and O(N log N) disk space (which is highly unlikely to memory swap, but a constant factor of about 2x slower).