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Generate a markdown TOC (table of contents) with Remarkable.

Table of Contents

(TOC generated by verb using markdown-toc)


Install with npm:

$ npm install --save markdown-toc


Usage: markdown-toc [options] <input>

  input:        The Markdown file to parse for table of contents,
                or "-" to read from stdin.

  -i:           Edit the <input> file directly, injecting the TOC at <!-- toc -->;
                (Without this flag, the default is to print the TOC to stdout.)

  --json:       Print the TOC in JSON format

  --append:     Append a string to the end of the TOC

  --bullets:    Bullets to use for items in the generated TOC
                (Supports multiple bullets: --bullets "*" --bullets "-" --bullets "+")
                (Default is "*".)

  --maxdepth:   Use headings whose depth is at most maxdepth
                (Default is 6.)

  --no-firsth1: Include the first h1-level heading in a file

  --no-stripHeadingTags: Do not strip extraneous HTML tags from heading
                         text before slugifying





var toc = require('markdown-toc');

toc('# One\n\n# Two').content;
// Results in:
// - [One](#one)
// - [Two](#two)

To allow customization of the output, an object is returned with the following properties:



Use as a remarkable plugin.

var Remarkable = require('remarkable');
var toc = require('markdown-toc');

function render(str, options) {
  return new Remarkable()
    .use(toc.plugin(options)) // <= register the plugin

Usage example

var results = render('# AAA\n# BBB\n# CCC\nfoo\nbar\nbaz');

Results in:

- [AAA](#aaa)
- [BBB](#bbb)
- [CCC](#ccc)


Object for creating a custom TOC.

toc('# AAA\n## BBB\n### CCC\nfoo').json;

// results in
[ { content: 'AAA', slug: 'aaa', lvl: 1 },
  { content: 'BBB', slug: 'bbb', lvl: 2 },
  { content: 'CCC', slug: 'ccc', lvl: 3 } ]


Insert a table of contents immediately after an opening <!-- toc --> code comment, or replace an existing TOC if both an opening comment and a closing comment (<!-- tocstop -->) are found.

(This strategy works well since code comments in markdown are hidden when viewed as HTML, like when viewing a README on GitHub README for example).


<!-- toc -->
- old toc 1
- old toc 2
- old toc 3
<!-- tocstop -->

## abc
This is a b c.

## xyz
This is x y z.

Would result in something like: