tdussa / bashacks

Set of functions to increase productivity while hacking with Bash
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 2 forks source link


  1. What is this
  2. Additional Requirements
    1. passwdqc
    2. whois
  3. Additional Functions
    1. bh_asinfo
    2. bh_dwpwd
    3. bh_dwpwx
    4. bh_host2as
    5. bh_host2cymru
    6. bh_host2irt
    7. bh_ip2as
    8. bh_ip2cymru
    9. bh_ip2irt
    10. bh_mac2vendor
    11. bh_myip6
    12. bh_mymac
    13. bh_prefix

1. What is this

This is a fork of bashacks by Fernando Mercês, mainly to do some development.

2. Additional Requirements

The additional requirements listed here are Debian/Ubuntu packages. They might be named differently on different distros.

3. Additional Functions