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Comma missing in JSON-Schema for OU #444

Closed jbstatgen closed 8 months ago

jbstatgen commented 1 year ago

The grouping of properties and thus setting of brackets is off in the JSON-Schema file for OrganisationalUnit. It seems a comma is missing between OUDescription and hasOrganisationalUnit.

essvee commented 1 year ago

The auto-json script seems to be populating the "description" field in the class-level schema fields with a concatenation of the description/usage + notes field from the termlist csv, see egs below.

Commas and delimiters in the schema files are fine afaict. My best guess is that the issue being described is caused when the concatenated "description" field is too long for the schema file, because it's also happening in TemporalCoverage, which has a similarly beefy notes field.

@magpiedin, the auto-json script only seems to be doing this concat at the class-level, not for properties. Is this behaviour intended? We'll need to make the usage fields a bit shorter if so 😆