On October 19, 2023
branch was merged with main
and the repository was archived (https://github.com/tdwg/cd/pull/498)This was the original repository for the Collection Descriptions Interest Group during the development phase for the Latimer Core collection description standard. Should you, due to some reason, want to query this repository, be aware that the latest version of its contents can be found in the review branch.
The Collection Descriptions Interest Group is the parent interest group that is chartering a task group to develop a Collection Descriptions metadata standard.
The new Collection Descriptions standard will be a successor to the unratified draft Natural Collections Description data standard, whose development has been discontinued.
The day-to-day operations of the Interest Group is documented in this repository. You can also track and participate in the work of the group by watching this repository and monitoring the group's issues tracker.
For quick reference, an index of classes and properties, and summaries of the current data model can be found in this Google sheet.
Name | Affiliation | GitHub username or Email |
Sharon Grant | Field Museum, Chicago | @rondlg |
Janeen Jones | Field Museum, Chicago | @fmjjones |
Kate Webbink | Field Museum, Chicago | @magpiedin |
Matt Woodburn | Natural History Museum London | @mswoodburn |
Name | Affiliation | GitHub username or Email |
Jutta Buschbom | Statistical Genetics | @jbstatgen |
Sarah Vincent | Natural History Museum London | @essvee |
Maarten Trekels | Meise Botanic Garden/Synthesys+ | @mtrekels |
Quentin Groom | Meise Botanic Garden/TDWG/Synthesys+ | @qgroom |
Name | Affiliation | GitHub username or Email |
Ben Norton | North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences | @ben-norton |
Rob Sanderson | Yale | @ |
Ian Engelbrecht | University of Pretoria | @ |
Steve Baskauf | Vanderbilt | @baskaufs |
Name | Affiliation | GitHub username or Email |
David Bloom | VertNet | @dbloom |
Gabi Droege | Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin / Global Genome Biodiversity Network | @gdadade |
Deborah Paul (past Co-convenor) | Species File Group, INHS | @debpaul |
Niels Raes | Naturalis Biodiversity Center | niels.raes AT naturalis.nl |
Mike Trizna | Smithsonian Institution | @MikeTrizna |
William Ulate | Missouri Botanical Garden / Centro de Investigación en Informática de la Biodiversidad (CRBio.org) | @WUlate |
Name | Affiliation | GitHub username or Email |
Wouter Addink | Naturalis Biodiversity Center | @wouteraddink |
James Beach | University of Kansas | beach53 AT gmail.com |
Allison Becker | Smithsonian Institution / National Museum of Natural History | |
Joana Beja | Flanders Marine Institute | |
Stan Blum | TDWG | @stanblum |
Ana Casino | CETAF | ana.casino AT cetaf.org |
Terry Catapano | UCB | @tcatapano |
Arthur Chapman | Australian Biodiversity Information Services | |
Cat Chapman | iDigBio | |
Heather Cole | Ag Canada | Heather.Cole AT AGR.GC.CA |
Johanna Eder | State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart | |
Dag Endresen | Univerity of Oslo Natural History Museum | @dagendresen |
Falko Glöckler | MfN Berlin | falko.gloeckler AT mfn-berlin.de |
Andrea Hahn | GBIF | @ahahn-gbif |
Jean-Marc Herpers | RBINS | |
Olle Hints | Tallinn University of Technology | |
Donald Hobern | GBIF | @dhobern |
Jana Hoffman | MfN Berlin | jana.hoffmann AT mfn-berlin.de |
Morten Høfft | GBIF | |
Sharif Islam | Naturalis Biodiversity Center | @sharifX |
Natalya Ivanova | Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences | |
Shelley James | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions, Western Australia; TDWG | @grungle |
Gail Kampmeier | TDWG | |
Talia Karim | Museum of Natural History, Museum of Colorado | |
Niels Klazenga | Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria | |
Dimitris Koureas | Naturalis | @dkoureas |
Erica Krimmel | iDigBio / Florida State University | |
Kerstin Lehnert | Columbia University | @klehnert55 |
Holly Little | Smithsonian Institution / National Museum of Natural History | @hollyel |
Tina Loo | Naturalis Biodiversity Center | |
Anissa Lybaert | Ag Canada | Anissa.lybaert AT agr.gc.ca |
James Macklin | Ag Canada | @jmacklin |
Patricia Mergen | Meise Botanic Garden | |
Giles Miller | Natural History Museum London | |
Gil Nelson | iDigBio | |
Raoul Palese | Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève | |
Mareike Petersen | MfN | Mareike.Petersen AT mfn.berlin |
Judith Price | CMN (retired) | |
Joel Ramirez | NYBG | @jlramirez |
Isabel Reu | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC | |
Connie Rinaldo | Harvard University | crinaldo AT oeb.harvard.edu |
Tim Robertson | GBIF | |
Hanieh Saeedi | Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum | |
Íris Sampaio | University of the Azores / Senckenberg am Meer | |
Celia Santos | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC | |
Dave Smith | Natural History Museum London | d.a.smith AT nhm.ac.uk |
Rebecca Snyder | Smithsonian Institution / National Museum of Natural History | |
Barbara Thiers | NYBG | bthiers AT nybg.org |
Caitlin Thorn | MfN Berlin | |
Laura Tilley | CETAF | |
Mike Trizna | Smithsonian Institution | |
Pascal Tschudin | University of Basel | |
Melissa Tulig | NYBG | mtulig AT nybg.org |
William Ulate | Missouri Botanical Garden | |
Wim van Dongen | Picturae | @cannedit |
Sabine Von Mering | MfN Berlin | |
Wiebke Walbaum | State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart | |
Ramona Walls | CyVerse | @ramonawalls |
Karin Wiltschke | Natural History Museum Vienna | |
Paula Zermoglio | Universidad de Buenos Aires |
Contents of this README.md page assist with understanding of how to contribute and where to find materials related to the development of the collections description data standard. Note that where needed, there exists a very brief description of contents you will find at each link shared below. This group manages development using GitHub as much as possible.
A (not so) brief description of our group
A detailed description of our rationale and goals, motivation, tasks, and strategy. This document outlines the goals and objectives of the task group and plan for reaching these goals.
The community is asked to review these and add to them if they see a missing use case.
This document gathers some of the key known issues to keep in mind as the CD standard is developed. It is meant to help guide and structure both design and implementation considerations of CD and resulting products that CD enables.
As much as possible, each group is taking on a self-selected task and will manage delivery of it as they choose (meeting as needed). They may link to working documents however they choose (google docs, other, ...) but will upload summary and completed documents directly to GitHub in the appropriate folder (e.g. meetings and documents) for that task. Where possible, links to external working documents should be added to the document links page to make them easily findable by TG members.
The CD TG as a whole will meet 1/x month. 4th Wednesday of each month (2019) except where holidays require date/time to change. Meetings are held 2x on that day (one Eastern-time friendly, one Western)
We started with a spreadsheet acting as a template for a Gantt-style chart of all our envisioned tasks with dependencies. From this chart, we created GitHub milestones where each group can manage tracking the issues and timelines related to that task. These tasks are now each grouped into GitHub projects.
To manage group activities in more detail, TG members can add new issues and allocate them to the appropriate project and milestone on the right-hand side of the form. This will mean that issues are displayed on the appropriate project page, and their statuses can be easily monitored.
This current effort evolves from work started over 10 years ago by the Natural Collections Description Standard IG/TG group (NCD). Here we attempt to link to materials resulting from their efforts. These documents provide a foundation for the CD Group. Some have been copied over into this CD Repo to insure they do not get lost.
NCD Repo wiki
NCD Code page
NCD standard versions
NCD Draft Specification
NCD cross-walks
NCD TG Charter
NCD use cases on NCD Repo wiki
2016 and 2017 interest group abstracts
Google Doc with 2016-2017 meeting notes
The current repository structure is described below.
├── README.md : Description of this repository
├── LICENSE : Repository license
├── charters : Interest Group and Task Group charters
│ └── draft : Draft charters and historical versions
├── documents
│ ├── draft : Working folder for draft documents
│ ├── final : Final versions of group documents
│ ├── historical : Historical and deprecated documents, and snapshots of exernal drafts in Google Docs etc
│ └── DOCUMENT_LINKS.md : Links to working documents in Google Docs, Office 365 etc
├── meetings : Agendas and minutes of IG and TG meetings
├── reference
│ ├── crosswalks : Crosswalks of existing and previous collection descriptions standards and initiatives
│ ├── use_cases : Documented use cases for a collection descriptions standard
│ └── REFERENCE_LINKS.md : Links to relevant information resources (publications, sites etc)
├── standard
│ ├── data_model : Data model definitions, schemata and diagrams
│ └── vocabularies : Controlled vocabularies, ontologies etc relevant to the standard
├── tools : Ad hoc tools used to support the development of the standard and data model
└── .gitignore : Files and directories to be ignored by git
Collections Descriptions interest group. 2019. Collection Descriptions (CD), in development. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) http://www.tdwg.org/standards/