API for tracking workouts
### Setup You will need to install four dependencies in order to run the project locally. 1. [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation) 2. [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/#installation) 3. [just](https://github.com/casey/just#packages) 4. [edgedb](https://www.edgedb.com/install) Once installed, clone this repo with `git clone git@github.com:te25son/Swole-V2.git` and navigate your way into the project's root folder `cd Swole-V2`. Setup the environment by running `just setup`, and then activate the virtual environment with `poetry shell`. You should now be able to run all the commands available within the project. Try it out by opening the development database's UI with `just open-dev-ui`, running the local development server with `just run`, or running the tests with `just test`. If you need help with the commands available via just, run `just help`.