teagan75 / Metamorphoses-2

Different Kind of Wasteland Pack
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Minecolonies and Tektopia integration #13

Open teagan75 opened 4 years ago

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Couple disappointments today: 1. Allowing another minecolony in the nether does not work even when the config is enabled. 2. Tektopia miners do not recognize nether ores as ore. So, mining in the nether will have to be done using machines. Thinking of ways to incorporate tektopia into overworld city

Edit: A lot of the minecolonies structures are valid tektopia structures. So that would be interesting integration. I have already included a schematic for a tavern once you get to brewcraft. I am going to move this to a new issue so we can keep it open for discussion.

Originally posted by @teagan75 in https://github.com/teagan75/Metamorphoses-2/issues/12#issuecomment-639121080

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Personally I have never tried having a tektopia or minecolony in any other dimension. Tektopia citizens do have "personal space" issues in their buildings. Especially housing.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I wonder if Tektopia would work in the mining dimension?

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

the Harvest Festival mining dim?

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

2020-06-04_17 41 23 They will mine the wall if you give them a diamond sword. You would then need a Druid so he will replenish the mine so they will actually mine ores eventually I think

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

2020-06-04_17 43 43

lol you could have a small mining community as long as you supply the tools and food. An ender chest with the ender hopper might help

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

With the food...they quickly get tired of food you give them. They do better with their own foods. Only problem I see is where tektopia rocks may respawn. And I was thinking Aroma's mining dimension

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

I thought the Aroma one was the place they didn't work. Maybe they fixed that

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

So, there is ore in the HF mining dimension. They broke through the mine wall and got into minecraft stone. One found coal and another found iron

Edit: Nope nvm it was just the Druid making the ore lol

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure about tektopia, I know minecolonies are not supposed to work there in 12.2.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

The tektopia miners only go in a straight line. They don’t get much ore that way even with the Druid replenishing it. I am not going to add aroma mining dimension because it would break progression.

I am a wee bit frustrated with the tektopia farmer. I figured he would be proactive like the minecolonies one but it looks like I have to plant the field first lol.

Pretty sure the best policy is to keep the two mods separate with separate buildings. Otherwise the tektopia ones leech off minecolonies lol. Depending on which town hall you place, it can double as a tektopia one.

Question: Do you think it would be wise to start tektopia in later chapters? Would it be too overwhelming? Or would it help to start earlier. I ask because the recipe of the town hall is expensive.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

From what I looked at at the town hall recipe is that the most expensive piece of the town hall is the amethyst crystal. I think it could be started anytime after the mining hill quest and the natural spawning of minecraft animals. (Iron is plentiful to craft the town hall) Maybe make an amethyst crystal as a reward to help make the town hall. If I remember correctly the town hall placement places a chest that has the storage token and a couple house tokens. The drawback I see is the lack of emeralds to "grow" the town. I mean the lumberjack can help start the town out earning emeralds....and the ranchers can help with their products. Tektopia merchant only likes products made by tektopia villagers.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

The default recipe is a diamond with iron tools. Diamond doesn't come until later in the progression. That is why I changed the recipe for amethyst since that gem is found on lvl 1 of the mining hill. However, I changed the tools to steel only because I was going to gate the mod. Now that isn't necessary.

Progression would be slow getting emeralds but that isn't a bad thing. 😄

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I haven't found the amethyst yet in the mining hill. LOL I am only to level 20 in the hill, but I haven't found a crystal yet. I could have sworn the recipe showed iron...but I didn't hover over the tools...Could have been steel. Yeah...need to depend on tektopia merchant for obtaining emeralds in trading. Just need to balance items you can trade. Can you change prices the architect and the person that sells professions (I have blanked on his name) require?

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

there is no tektopia config or crafttweaker support.

I haven't found the amethyst yet in the mining hill. LOL I am only to level 20 in the hill, but I haven't found a crystal yet.

have you found topaz? Can't remember which is first lol

I think it could be started anytime after the mining hill quest and the natural spawning of minecraft animals. (Iron is plentiful to craft the town hall)

Sounds good. However, there shouldn't be natural spawning of pigs, cows, sheep and chickens.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I thought that was what Tango Tek did...but wasn't sure.

have you found topaz? Can't remember which is first lol.

No topaz yet. Wait I did find an amethyst. I didn't think it was a "nether amethyst" that the recipe called for...it looked translucent in the recipe.

So there isn't going to be spawning of minecraft animals triggered later like in Metamorphosis 1?

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

On the update....I updated my quest book, but it still says it requires 8 sails before I can complete that chapter 2020-06-05_14 44 28

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

On the update....I updated my quest book, but it still says it requires 8 sails before I can complete that chapter

ugh i will push another fix lol

So there isn't going to be spawning of minecraft animals triggered later like in Metamorphosis 1?

Yeah there will be but it isn't called natural lol. Natural spawning is on world generation so I was just checking that it was disabled.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

ok try again lol v.0.5.1_hotfix

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

No topaz yet. Wait I did find an amethyst. I didn't think it was a "nether amethyst" that the recipe called for...it looked translucent in the recipe.

Yeah and I removed that mod with the nether amethyst because of an issue with ore gen. However, in the newest update I changed the recipe to topaz because I second guessed myself about amethyst lol. I will now change it to amethyst but that fix will have to wait.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Okay. Sorry about that. I looked up the recipe and saw it said nether amethyst and I was surprised when you said it was in the mining hill level 1. The hotfix isn't out yet...I'll try again shortly.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Looks like tektopia villagers will eat Pam's plums and cooked aubergine

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Looks like tektopia villagers will eat Pam's plums and cooked aubergine

It's just that they like variety. Food is weighted and they like variety for happiness. Should make a bard early to help with happiness.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

is dynamic colony size working for you? I started a new test world and the colony is super small and isn't growing in size

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Actually no it isn't. It is turned on in configs ( I checked) and I built two guard posts on separate ends on the border and the border hasn't moved like it should on that side. May need to just adjust the size of chunks it has in config.

Edit: hotfix is live now....downloading

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

The radius adjustment is only for static mode. Also, making colonies in the nether didn't work either

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I know I did minecolonies in 12.2 while it was in beta and it worked...here I am not sure why it isn't working 2020-06-05_16 00 22 The builder did place blocks outside of the border...but the border didn't adjust on either. My jungle tree finally grew after two seasons!!!! Now I have vines!!!! 2020-06-05_15 59 47 My lumberjack is attacking it already...LOL. At least he won't go after the park now. I placed cobblestone under those trees

Edit: The hotfix worked for my questbook...I opened the next chapter now.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

I know I did minecolonies in 12.2 while it was in beta and it worked...here I am not sure why it isn't working

It is very strange

On a different note, I have added recipes to turn Harvest Festival flowers into something useful 😄 Also, the minecolonies florist will plant them

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

That will be good! I will start saving the ones I gather now instead of selling them. Can you tell I am a hoarder at heart?

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I have been thinking hard about these borders and I have a theory. I am going to start upgrading my guard towers and add the next two of them along with upgrading the housing. Boundaries might also depend on upgrades to buildings.

Reference I found https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecolonies/comments/brfa7f/how_it_works_minecolonies_dynamic_claims_system/

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

oooo ok that will be good information to put into the book as well.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

I am including this free schematic for the tektopia town hall

2020-06-05_19 09 11

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

That will be good!

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Got to make sure the tektopia lumberjack doesn't chop down the trees in the park either lol. I set mine to birch only

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Got to make sure the tektopia lumberjack doesn't chop down the trees in the park either lol. I set mine to birch only

Yeah....I forgot about him. LOL. Be aware in 12.2 Minecolonies lumberjack has poor pathing. He keeps getting hung up in trees and not working. I have to break leaf blocks to let him loose. Okay...upgraded a guard tower and the border got slightly larger. 2020-06-06_11 11 43

Hard to see with the snow, but it does go out there. I am about to upgrade tower 2.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Be aware in 12.2 Minecolonies lumberjack has poor pathing. He keeps getting hung up in trees and not working.

I haven't had an issue with him but I just put the large arboretum down.

Okay...upgraded a guard tower and the border got slightly larger.

I am glad it is working! It will force players to upgrade now lol 😛

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

Did you know that Minecolony workers go by the Harvest moon times? During summer they will rise at 5am and during winter they will not rise until 8am? During Eclipses they will go back to bed! 2020-06-06_13 54 55

You may want to put in the quest book too, that there is a glitch with HF. I placed a blacksmith and I clicked it to build and the blueprint went out of my inventory. Yuliff though never started building. I went ahead and logged out, and restarted the instance and the blueprint was back in my inventory.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Did you know that Minecolony workers go by the Harvest moon times? During summer they will rise at 5am and during winter they will not rise until 8am? During Eclipses they will go back to bed!

Yep. Pretty sure they've always done that or were supposed to.

I placed a blacksmith and I clicked it to build and the blueprint went out of my inventory. Yuliff though never started building. I went ahead and logged out, and restarted the instance and the blueprint was back in my inventory.

I had that happen with the general store.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

ok, awesome but unforeseen issue. Minecolony farmers plant seeds that are disabled and they still grow lol like wheat! That would completely break the money system HA. I have already removed the vanilla seed from the tumbleweeds. I will also be disabling all seed drops from grass.

Now, the plus side of this is that I can actually sell the Pam's Harvestcraft seeds in the general store and you can use them to feed the colony but not sell. What do you think?

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

That would be good. That way they can cook things. I don't know if the cook would use HF flour for cooking. that will be interesting to see.

ok, awesome but unforeseen issue. Minecolony farmers plant seeds that are disabled and they still grow lol like wheat! That would completely break the money system HA. I have already removed the vanilla seed from the tumbleweeds. I will also be disabling all seed drops from grass.

Now, the plus side of this is that I can actually sell the Pam's Harvestcraft seeds in the general store and you can use them to feed the colony but not sell. What do you think?

I haven't used my farm yet. LOL... I used the viking template in my town and they look good, but the upgrades to the house require bookshelves and I need sugarcane and I couldn't plant the sugarcane seed in the General store. I tried it on sand and on agricraft sticks. Waiting till I can get the Goddess pond to get that sugarcane.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Weird that sugarcane isn’t working. I will check to see if it requires something to grow

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

That would be good. That way they can cook things. I don't know if the cook would use HF flour for cooking. that will be interesting to see.

I tried getting the cook to use harvest craft pots but it wouldn’t work. Most of the HC recipes use a pot/pan.

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

2020-06-06_20 07 13 Nevermind.....I got it to grow in winter...LOL. Same as before on sand by water and in agricraft sticks.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Weird. I just planted mine in spring.

2020-06-06_19 16 27

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Another curiosity, any crop harvested by a tektopia villager won't stack with others.

2020-06-06_19 19 29

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

If you noticed the Item is green. Those are the ones that I think the Merchant will buy. Although I didn't think he would buy crops from other mods. Not sure why I had that glitch with sugarcane. Do you have a quest in the lines with agricraft? I was thinking it might have been gated so I didn't mention it earlier.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

I have quests for the resource crops in the same chapters they were in before

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Merchant will not buy the aubergines. I just wish the villagers would eat it

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I didn't think the merchant would if it came from another mod.

teagan75 commented 4 years ago

Yeah. That is fine. I am now growing vanilla food items each season for them to eat. You should see if they will plant and harvest hemp lol

Ladysarajane commented 4 years ago

I haven't even started tek topia...Trying to get minecolony villagers to spawn.