team-apollo / apollo

music player that runs in your browser
Eclipse Public License 1.0
3 stars 1 forks source link


A personal music collection app



Eventually you should just be able to run a jar, but not now, there's no ui for this yet to speak of. But for future reference...


To build the "fully otimized" version of the application...

$ lein with-profile uberjar ring uberjar

And wait.....


$ java -jar target/apollo-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar



Setting up js libs(reactjs/fontawesome)

# from the project directory/resources/public
$ bower install

Running server

# from the project directory
$ lein ring server

Now you can point your browser at http://localhost:5050 to play with the app.

apollo screen shot

compiling client code

# from the project directory
$ lein cljsbuild auto

Now anytime a *.cljs file is updated things will be re-built

live reload

takes care of running server, and reloading server side code and pushing client changes to the browser. (you will still need to run lein sass auto for it to pick up css changes)

# from the project directory

$ lein figwheel

getting initial tag data

Start a repl

# from the project directory
$ lein repl

Now you can interactively call clojure functions defined for the application.

creating initial database

Update: the application looks for a database when launched, if it doesn't find one it will create it for you. But if you still want to do it the cool way, read on.

In your repl....

user=> (use 'apollo.db.schema)
user=> (in-ns 'apollo.db.schema)
#<Namespace apollo.db.schema>
apollo.db.schema=> (create-all-tbls! the-db)
((0) (0))

You should now have a database located at apollo.db

adding a directory(mount) for scanning

Update: in the browser you can now do this from the settings page, ugly as it may be

in your repl

user=> (use 'apollo.db.schema)
user=> (in-ns 'apollo.db.schema)
#<Namespace apollo.db.schema>
apollo.db.schema=> (insert-mount! the-db "/path/to/musicfiles")

You should now have a directory registered with the application that will be scanned for new music files/updated tags when process-mounts! is called

scanning your directories(mounts)

Update: in the browser you can now do this from the settings page, ugly as it may be

in your repl

user=> (use 'apollo.scanner)
user=> (in-ns 'apollo.scanner)
#<Namespace apollo.scanner>
apollo.scanner=> (process-mounts!)

There should now be data in the database derived from files contained in one or more mounted directories added in the previous step.


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