team-perfect-deliverables / charlie

A distributed, actor-based Blackjack system for research and teaching
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Everyone probably knows about the winning hand, Blackjack. Then, there's the less famous, less probable but more profitable, Charlie which is a hand of five cards that does not break.

Charlie is an extensible, actor-based Blackjack system for teaching purposes developed mostly by me. It is a client-server, multiplayer system that runs on multiple hosts and can exploit hyper-threading.

Charlie is built on plug-in modules that install at run-time rather compile time. The big advantage of plugins is that Charlie can be extended without modifying its core functionality. The plugins are defined by Java interfaces.

Finally, Charlie uses actors as its model of distributed computing. Actors are a very elegant in concept which has been making a comeback in recent years as an alternative to other communication / synchronization methods. Actors are, rightly, at the bottom of the Charlie software stack, below the UI and plugins. So plugin developers may never encounter the actors or need to know much about them.

Why Blackjack?

Games are powerful tools in their own right for teaching. Blackjack, in particular, is an example of an excellent game design, that is, it is easy to play yet difficult to master.

Yet Blackjack has the potential to teach many things, including but not limited to game theory, probability and statistical theory, and in the case of Charlie, concurrency, threads, synchronization, Artificial Intelligence, real-time computing, animation, etc. While I hope Charlie can teach all these things, the plain truth is Blackjack is also fun and may prove useful if you're ever stuck in Vegas, or wherever your travels may take you.

This document does not teach Blackjack. There's tons of information in books and on the Internet for that which I will reference. My primary focus is to explore how to extend Charlie through its plugin system.

A brief history of Blackjack

The roots of Blackjack roots go back to Don Quixote and Seville and the 17th century. However, serious study of Blackjack began in the 1950s with long-running computer simulations at IBM to discover what would become known as the Basic Strategy, which gives the rules of "correct" play. Issues of how to bet are not covered by the Basic Strategy but card counting. Kelly's criterion, was formulated in the 1950s for investing and can also be applied, in addition to card counting, as an optimal betting strategy. By the 1960s, MIT professor, E.O. Thorpe, published Beat the Dealer, which for a while caused casinos to change the Blackjack game design to counteract the Basic Strategy. However, these tactics backfired as the countermeasures slowed the game which turned away customers. It forced casinos to go back to the simpler "21" rules and look for other means to thwart player the Basic Strategy and card counting.

Peter Griffin published The Theory of Blackjack in the late 1990s. It laid out what some might regard as the definitive mathematical treatment of Blackjack from the player's perspective. In 2003, Ben Mezrich published Bringing Down the House, which detailed the Las Vegas exploits of students and their MIT professor. The story was dramatized by the popular 2008 film, 21.

In my own case, I have studied Blackjack in-depth, asking whether a machine could learn to play and bet. The published papers are here. In 2010, I developed a system related to Charlie except written in Scala rather than Java. Unlike Charlie, the Scala version was not distributed and had no plugins, GUI, animations, or sounds. It was really a bare bones application for demonstration purposes.

Basic ideas

Charlie is uses a client-server architecture organized around the model view controller design pattern. In this pattern the dealer behaves like a controller, the client side like a view and the house like the model. After a "real" player logs in and establishes a connection, an instance of House constructs an instance of Dealer for the player. The player is bound to this Dealer until the player logs out.

Charlie is multi-player. However, players do not typically play one another. Instead, depending on the plugin configuration, Dealer may allocate up to two bots that simulate real players. If no bots have been configured, the game is "heads up," that is, the player against Dealer. Yet Charlie supports multiple dealers concurrently which is the multi-player basis.

Having said that, there is no reason of principle that the bots could not also be "real" players. This is because Dealer interacts with instances of IPlayer, the implementation of which may be a "real" player or a bot player.

Dealer keeps a copy of player hands and implements the play rules, e.g., determining the sequence of players, executing play requests, deciding wins, losses, etc. The Dealer broadcasts the game state to all players. For instance, when the Dealer deals a card, Dealer sends the card all players. Thus, all players can "see" the table. The player's job is to process render the cards and wait for its turn. For instance, if a player receives Ace+10, this is of course a Blackjack. However, the player doesn't have to determine fact. Dealer, after send this hand to all players, broadcasts "blackjack" for everyone.

A key design feature is hands are not passed around among players or over the network. Instead, Charlie uses hand ids. A hand id is a unique key for a hand. Thus, when Dealer transmits a card, Thus, when Dealer hits a hand, it sends a Card object and a hand id. If the corresponding hand does not belong to a given player, the player can ignore the card. If however the hand id corresponds to a hand a player owns, the player has to respond. The permissible responses are hit, stay, double-down, and in theory, surrender and split which are not implemented.

If, of course, the player busts on a hit or double-down, there is no permissible request for the player to make of Dealer. The game is over for that player. In that case, Dealer tells the player it has broke so the player just needs to wait for the end game signal from the Deal before starting again.

Dealer only communicates with instances of IPlayer, a Java interface. Dealer mostly doesn't know or care if IPlayer is a real player or a bot. Dealer starts a new game only when Dealer receives a bet from RealPlayer which is an implementation of IPlayer. Although RealPlayer interfaces to a "real" player on the client side, Deal is completely unaware of the networking hierarchy. As the controller in MVC, Dealer is the controller with different views.


Charlie has six (6) types of plugins:

  1. Shoe
  2. B9 bot
  3. N6 bot
  4. Gerty bot
  5. Side bet
  6. Advisor

The properties file, charlie.props, declares the plugin values. Charlie checks charlie.props and if the plugin is not found or there is an exception trying to instantiate the plugin, Charlie recovers gracefully and runs without the plugin. The only exception the shoe plugins. Charlie requires a shoe and the server crashes without one.

Shoe plugin

A shoe contains instances of Card objects from which Dealer deals to players. A shoe must implement IShoe, a Java interface. Built into Charlie is a concrete class, Shoe, which implements IShoe. This class has six decks for "serious" play and/or training. In general, however, an IShoe may contain as many or as few cards as necessary. Thus, shoes are very useful for debugging purposes.

There is a property, charlie.shoe in the properties files, charlie.props. The value must be a fully qualified instance of IShoe. Here's an example

charlie.shoe charlie.card.Shoe01

The key is "charlie.shoe" and the value is "charlie.card.Shoe01". It turns out the Shoe01 is a one-deck shoe which I've found helpful for testing.

When House constructs Dealer, Dealer looks for the shoe property and tries to construct a the IShoe. The shoe designer's job is to create the shoe by implementing IShoe methods. As safe and simple approach is to extend Shoe which implements IShoe. You then just need to add cards to cards which is a List.

You have to make certain the IShoe implementation is in the Charlie project class path. You do this by adding a jar or project to the IDE. Either one works.


There are two types of cards: Card and ACard. The controller (i.e., Dealer) and the view (i.e., ATable) use Card. Only the view uses ACard.

Card objects have rank and suit. The following snippet constructs a three of spades:

Card card = new Card(3, Card.Suit.SPADES)

Here's how to make an Ace of spades:

Card card = new Card(Card.ACE, Card.Suit.SPADES)

Once you have a Card, assuming you're extending Shoe, in the init method, add it to the shoe as follows:


Card has various methods to inquire about itself, like its value, whether it is a face card (J, K, Q), an Ace, etc.

ACard is the "animated" analog of Card. It is a subclass of Sprite. ACard objects move around the table and have front and back faces. They are in many way more sophisticated than a Card. The key things to know about ACard are ACard constructs itself from a Card, has a home position on the table, and a current position on the table. ACard relentlessly seeks its home from its current position by following a Euclidean straight line. This what gives the impression of "card motion" on the table.

IBot plugin

Named after Robot B9 from Lost in Space and Nexus 6 in [Blade Runner] (, these bots implement IBot, a sub-interface of IPlayer. As far as Dealer is concerned, B9 and N6 are players, being IPlayer instance, Dealer makes not distinction. They run on the server which means they have special access to the server and can crash the server if they fail. That's one reason to be especially careful with these plugins as I explain below.

You specify B9 and N6 bots in the charlie.props file with the keys and respectively. The key must declare the fully qualified concrete class names.

The only difference between the two bots is Dealer sits B9, if it is exists, in the right seat and N6, if it exists, in the left seat as shown below:

    LEFT          RIGHT

The above symbols are in the Seat enumerated type. LEFT and RIGHT are mapped to B9 and N6, IBot instances respectively while YOU is mapped to RealPlayer, an IPlayer.

Dealer assumes IPlayer instances (which includes IBot instances) are an independent threads. What does this mean?

This means an IBot must use worker threads to interact with Dealer. IBot cannot use the thread that invoked IBot to then invoke methods on Dealer to which the IBot has access. For instance, IBot defines through IPlayer the behavior, play. Dealer invokes play on IBot only once when it is the IBot's turn. On receiving play, IBot must respond by invoking hit, stay, or doubleDown on Dealer.

However, the IBot cannot invoke any of these methods on Dealer directly, that is, not in the thread that's running the play method. The same is true for the deal method which Dealer invokes on IPlayer when it deals a card to IPlayer. To do so would create a nasty recursion inside Dealer.

To be well-behaved, IBot instead spawns or wakes-up a worker thread and returns to Dealer which is waiting for a response. The worker thread then can invoke hit, stay, or doubleDown on Dealer. Underline, double-underline, bold, put asterisks around that last sentence.

I will just point out that if IBot, in its worker thread, invokes hit, Dealer may respond in turn by invoking deal on IBot. Here again, as I mentioned above, IBot must use a worker thread to respond to the new card. I say may above because hit, may cause the hand to break, Blackjack, or Charlie in which case Dealer answers with bust, _blackjack, or _charlie, not deal.

For all practical purposes, B9 and N6 bots are identical from Dealer's point of view. The only difference is seating as I mentioned above. The intent of having these two bots was to also employ different play strategies. For instance, B9 might use the Wizard of Odds 21 cell strategy where N6 might use the 420 cell strategy. BTW, the Dealer does not, at the moment, support splits and that fact cuts down on the number of cells on both cases.

Gerty plugin

Named after the robot Gerty 3000 in Moon, these bots implement IGerty which, like IBot, is a sub-interface of IPlayer. Unlike IBot, IGerty bots run on the client-side. IGerty plays in place of the human player. As with the other plugins, we declare IGerty the fully qualified concrete class name in the Charlie properties file, charlie.props. The key is

The IGerty bot has the potential to implement the most sophisticated play and bet strategies to maximize player returns. It might be best, for IGerty, to start with the 420 cell play strategy and stay with a balanced, level-one system like the Hi-Lo or unbalanced, level-one system like Knock Out.

When IGerty is playing, it must behave. Here are some rules:

  1. Do not make plays before or after your turn.
  2. Send one play at a time and wait for a response from Dealer.
  3. Send valid plays for a hand id. For instance, do not send a double-down after the first hit request.
  4. Do not send requests after you stay.
  5. Wait for Dealer to compute the outcome, even if you know it before hand.
  6. Don't subvert the system, e.g., look at the hole card before Dealer reveals it.
  7. Play like a person, namely, add delay to decisions, otherwise, things will happen too fast and we won't be able to see or know what it really did or why.
  8. Don't place negative bets, it will just confuse Dealer.
  9. Don't exit, e.g., invoke System.exit.
  10. Don't try to initiate contact with Dealer directly. Use Courier which has already established the connection to Dealer to send requests.

IGerty initiates a game by placing a bet. Here are the steps to starting:

  1. Send the clear message to the table.
  2. Get the wager from the table. If there isn't a wager, then use the money manager, click to create one. (Note: you'll have to get the chips from the money manager and use the chip coordinates to select the amount. The chips are 100, 25, and 5 from left to right on the table.)
  3. Invoke the Courier to send the bet to Dealer. The returned Hid is the hand id for the hand. Courier is the intermediary on the client between IGerty on the client and RealPlayer which is itself the interface to Dealer on the server.
  4. Wait for startGame. At this point IGerty can only observe the cards until it is its turn. This is an opportunity for IGerty to count cards here since every card is sent to all players for the respective hand identified by the hand id.
  5. When IGerty receives play, it must respond with hit, stay, or if its after the initial deal, doubleDown (see below). IGerty sends these requests to Courier who forwards then to RealPlayer who forwards requests to Dealer.
  6. After IGerty stays, busts, gets a blackjack, or Charlie, it must wait for endGame when the game is over.
  7. Go to step 1.

To play a double-down, IGerty does the following:

  1. Invoke dubble on the hand id. This doubles the bet in the hand.
  2. Invoke dubble on Courier. This send the play to the Dealer.
  3. Invoke dubble on the table. This doubles the wager on the table.

Of course, after double-down, IGerty is done for the game and just waits for endGame.

Side bet plugin

A side bet is a bet in addition to the the main bet. The side bet usually depends on certain card combinations. Perhaps the most famous side bet is so-called "insurance" which is a bet that the dealer, showing an Ace as a ten in the hole. It pays 2:1 which is even money because you have the main bet and the insurance premium. So if you win the side bet you also loose the main bet. The Basic Strategy does not recommend buying insurance.

The side bets I'm thinking about here are of the non-insurance kind, although you might think of them as a kind of insurance. The Wizard of Odds gives a raft of side bets from which to choose.

From a plugin perspective, there are two properties in charlie.props:

  1. charlie.sidebet.rule
  2. charlie.sidebet.view

They correspond to the Java interfaces which the properties must specify as fully qualified classes:

  1. ISideBetRule
  2. ISideBetView

Dealer invokes ISideBetRule when the hand is done and reports the result to IPlayer via the outcome. The hand id contains the wager, both the main bet and the side bet. For the main bet, the wager is always positive and the outcome, win, loose, etc. determines the P&L. In the case of Blackjack or Charlie, the odds have already been calculated in the main bet amount in the hand id. For instance, if the main wager is 5 and IPlayer gets a Charlie, the bet amount in hand id is 10.

For the side bet the P&L, that is, the direction positive or negative, is already in the side bet. For instance, suppose the side bet is a seven on the first card. The player makes two bets: 10 for the main bet and 5 for the side bet of seven on the first card. The Wizard of Odds says seven on first card pays 3:1. But the player gets a Blackjack. Dealer pays 3:2 on the 10 and sets the bet amount in the hand id to 15. Dealer uses the side rule which finds no seven on first card and the side bet rule sets -5 as the side bet. IPlayer receives the blackjack message and adds 15 minus 5 = 10 to the IPlayer bankroll. The table invokes setHid on ISideBetView to indicate the side bet loss.

Advisor plugin

This plugin monitors the player and when a play discrepancy is detected, it issues a warning. For instance, suppose we have Ace vs. 10+6. The Basic Strategy says hit. However, if the player presses stay, IAdvisor offers advice to hit. However, IAdvisor only needs to give the advice. IAdvisor does not have to deal with the user interface or how to render the advice. That's the job of Charlie.

The properties files, charlie.props, as with the other plugins declares the implementation of IAdvisor with the charlie.advisor property. Again, you must specify the fully qualified concrete class name.

IAdvisor receives the player's hand and the dealer's up-card. IAdvisor has to analyze these and return a response that are in the Play enum:

If IAdvisor cannot be loaded for some reason, the default is no advice.