team401 / 2024-Robot-Code

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Adds stateful command for Automated Teleop #194

Open aidnem opened 5 months ago

aidnem commented 5 months ago

Purpose This PR adds a new command to control teleop autonomously. Closes #182.

Features A state machine with the following states:

The state machine can be seen in the diagram below: image

Outstanding Work

aidnem commented 5 months ago

The Mermaid diagram for the state machine is complete. It can be found under doc/ The table this diagram was generated from can be found in the controls Google Drive or in CSV format under doc/AutomatedTeleop.csv.

aidnem commented 5 months ago

@linglejack06 I've noticed that the method to follow a path in the drivetrain disables alignment. Is this strictly necessary, or could we keep alignment enabled and drive to the path anyway? I'd prefer to prime and align as soon as the robot starts driving back from the source, but if it can't auto align, it would have to stop and wait before it could shoot upon arrival.

linglejack06 commented 5 months ago

@aidnem by using the path following it defaults to their alignment, but Im pretty sure there is something in the path configuration where i can override rotation ( we could then keep the align state on ). Ill look into it tonight or tomorrow morning and add it to this PR it shouldnt take long

linglejack06 commented 5 months ago

@aidnem I have just added the rotation target override which should work. We can test on Wednesday.

jkleiber commented 5 months ago

Can you test in the sim 👀

aidnem commented 5 months ago

I'll be out of the house all day but I can probably try it out tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Depending on whether or not they allow me into shop on Monday we could test it in real life then as well.

linglejack06 commented 5 months ago

I can try in sim if I have time. I also just remembered I forgot to remove the align state disabled in drive to path method so I will update that next time I get on my computer

aidnem commented 5 months ago

Coaches have informed me that I am not welcome in shop and therefore testing will have to wait until next Monday (no school Wednesday) when they allow everybody back in. I'll test sim when I get the chance.

linglejack06 commented 5 months ago

just pusehd the update with removal of the align state manual. If we keep structure how it is now, then best choice would be to set align state and target in the auto teleop command.

If we add a state machine to drive class to handle automated driving, then i could add the align state and target in that state machine. @jkleiber do you have a preference? I know you had mentioned adding the automated state machine to the drivetrain class

jkleiber commented 5 months ago

@linglejack06 if possible, using the Action + State framework we've been using is preferred. But if there's no reason to do Actions (i.e. any state can transition to any other state) then you can just make a mode machine where you set the drive mode in the command.

For example, you could have modes for: auto align, path follow, manual, etc

aidnem commented 5 months ago

@jkleiber Here's the first test of running it in the sim. Sorry for the terrible quality, GitHub won't let me upload a video over 10MB so I had to shrink and trim it severely.

This shows that the state machine is at least somewhat functional (it drives where it is trying to and then transitions to 'ACQUIRE_NOTE'). Once I figure out how to use note simulation, I'll test a full cycle. Ignoring the extreme sketchiness of how driving looks in the sim, I think it looks promising. Also for some reason the path is on the wrong side of the field at the moment, I'll fix that as well (this was driving to shopSource, not aiming at the actual source.

jkleiber commented 5 months ago

@aidnem that video looks good - if you or @linglejack06 want to take a crack at #170 it would obviously be nice to not have this crusty driving behavior in the sim

aidnem commented 5 months ago

@jkleiber Yeah, the crusty sim behavior is unpleasant. Should we do something like #103 to configure constants with JSON instead? Depending on which is a higher priority I'm fine working on either.

jkleiber commented 5 months ago

@aidnem #186 would actually be a better first step. #103 is for JSON configurable controllers, which is useful but doesn't fix anything besides that

aidnem commented 5 months ago

Oh you're right, I thought they were the same PR.