John Wilson
Taylor Juve
Andrea Martin
Nicole Kihara
An intelligent drink suggestion application for Android created by UW CS students
Directory Structure
OneDrinkAway - Main project directory containing all code and resources
src - stores packages that contain source code
app - stores source code for android app
db - stores source code for the database
model - stores source code for model classes such as Drink, Flavor, Query
machinelearning - stores source code for machine learning
documentation - stores user and developer documentation
res - stores resources files
drawable- - stores .png icons of various sizes.
layout - stores XML files defining the layout of the app's UI
menu - stores XML files defining the layout of the app's action bar
values- - stores variable names and values
gen - stores generated files for all resources defined in res folder
assets - stores read-only files, such as drinks and recipe info.
.settings - stores preferences file