Built with SaltStack installed with Cast
Please open issues over at the SIFT Repository with prefix '[SALTSTACK]'
Use cast, it has replaced the sift-cli tool.
You must install cast on your system, then it's as simple as run the following command ...
sudo cast install teamdfir/sift-saltstack
Note: If you want server only mode throw --mode=server
on the command.
Cast is the successor to the SIFT CLI. It is designed to be a distro agnostic installation tool. It leverages saltstack still under the hood to do the installation but makes it possible to build more distros quicker and easier. It supports SIFT and REMnux out of the box. Cast comes with a set of publishing tools as well to make releasing newer versions of distros easier.
Cast is a single binary written in golang instead of node.js that is cross platform compatible, this means eventually it can install distributions on Windows or ARM64 systems as well.
Finally, Cast leverages a the single binary method of install on linux for SaltStack, this means no left over salt subsystem on the host.