teamup-org / mern-template

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Install and configure MongoDB on MacOS

This will use homebrew which can found and installed at

  1. Install MongoDB using the following commands
    brew tap mongodb/brew
    brew install mongodb-community
  2. Run commands
    brew services start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community
    npm install
  3. Run command: npm run mongo:setup to set up MongoDB database and collections.
  4. [Optional] Run command: npm run mongo:test to insert test user into users collection
  5. [Optional] Check if database, collection, and test user was created using MongoDBCompass or the mongo shell.

Install and configure MongoDB on Windows

  1. Install MongoDB at
  2. Run command: npm install to install dependencies
  3. Run command: npm run mongo:setup to set up MongoDB database and collections
  4. [Optional] Run command: npm run mongo:test to insert test user into users collection
  5. [Optional] Check if database, collection, and test user was created using MongoDBCompass

To enter dev mode with React hot module replacement

  1. npm run build
  2. npm run start:dev

The webpack dev server (with HMR) will run here: http://localhost:8080 The server will serve a production client build from here: http://localhost:3000