tech4nature / hogapp

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Django app for exploring data gathered about hedgehogs, from specially constructed "hedgehog hotels" in the field, equipped with video, sound, temperature and weight sensors.

Now retired. Here are screenshots of it when it was in action:

screenshot 1

screenshot 2

screenshot 3

A dump of the database as of 9 July 2022 is at latest.dump (restore with pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser -d mydb latest.dump)

Contribution guidelines for this project


Requires python3, a postgres server, and a redis server

Create environment

Clone the repo

git clone
cd hogapp/hog/
cp environment-example .env

Now edit .env with a database username and password: you'll actually create this user in the next step.

Set up postgres and database

apt-get install postgresql-10
sudo su - postgres
createuser <DB_USER from .env> -W
createdb hog -O <DB_USER from .env>

Set up a python3 virtualenv

apt-get install mkvirtualenv
mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 hogapp
pip install pip-tools

Set up the database

./ migrate

Set up admin user

cd hog
./ createsuperuser

Install other dependencies

apt-get install redis-server
apt-get install ffmpeg

Define a site and republic to work with

Currently, a site is a Django concept that links a domain to a settings file; and a Republic is simply an area shown on the map on the home page, along with a name.

To add a new republic, first create a new Site in the admin interface - the domain name must match what end users will use. You can give it whatever name you like.

Then, again in the admin interface, create a new Republic which is associated with that Site.

The name you give the Republic is the one that appears on the home page etc.

Generate sample data

./ generate_data

Run server

./ runserver

To sidestep the S3 storage functionality and serve files off the local filesystem, use the local_settings:

./ runserver  --settings=hog.local_settings

Run redis worker

./ worker

Run tests

./ test --settings=hog.test_settings

Deploy via Heroku

See app.json for config.

When the app has been created, git push heroku main to deploy.

About the API

View api

Visit http://localhost:8000/api/

Docs at http://localhost:8000/docs/

API examples

For a worked example, refer to examples/

Location measurements

These must contain a location id, which must exist.

To create a location, POST data like this to /api/locations/:

  "code": "some-unique-location-code-1234abc",
  "name": "Hogwarts Hotel"

To submit an inside temperature, POST data like this to /api/measurements/:

  "measurement_type": "in_temp",
  "measurement": 20.3,
  "observed_at": "2019-03-22T13:44:00Z",
  "location_id": "some-unique-location-code-1234abc"

Example using curl:

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"location_id": "some-unique-location-code-1234abc", "measurement_type": "in_temp", "measurement": 20.3, "observed_at": "2019-03-22T13:44"}'

Hog measurements

These must include a hog_id. Weights are created with a single operation, POSTing the following data to /api/measurements/:

  "measurement_type": "weight",
  "measurement": 302.3,
  "observed_at": "2019-06-01T10:11",
  "location_id": "box-5003097965448",
  "hog_id": "hog-123456"

Videos are created in a similar way, but it's a two-part process. The first creates the measurement entry:

  "measurement_type": "video",
  "video": ""
  "observed_at": "2019-06-01T10:11",
  "location_id": "box-5003097965448",
  "hog_id": "hog-123456"

This will return JSON including an id field. The video should then be PUT to that measurement, e.g. /api/measurements/198136/video/, as multipart/form-data, with a field name of video.

Using curl, for example:

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "measurement_type": "video", "video": "",  "observed_at": "2019-06-01T10:11", "location_id": "box-5003097965448", "hog_id": "hog-gs"}'

Might return:


The id can then be used to upload the video:

curl -X PUT "" -F"video=@video.mp4"```

Which would return:
