techlottus / portalverse
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Portalverse is a project developed as a base for the different brands of lottus, the development is carried out using NextJS.

Pre requirements

For the operation of this project, the installation of the following dependencies is required.

1- node: we will need a version of node between version 14.6.0 to the most recent, preferably version 16 or later. -- Installation on Windows: we will visit the node page and download the lts package, then we will click on the downloaded file and follow the installation steps. -- Installation on Linux: We open a terminal and execute the following commands in order:

2.- yarn: as the code's package manager. To install it we will execute the command:

later we will see the version that has been installed to ensure the installation:

Getting started

Once the dependencies are installed, we will start by cloning the project from the following link usando git clone: -Portalverse app Then we will move to the develop branch to download the latest changes using the command:

Once in the develop branch we will download the latest changes using the command

Once we have the changes, we will create a new branch to generate our changes using the command:

Now we will start the project using the command

This will start a local server on port 3000, we will open the browser in the link http://localhost:3000 and we will be able to visualize the project.


There are two environments for deployment 1.- Netlify: deployment environment for development team testing.


2.- Vercel: Deployment environment for consultation by the rest of the collaborators in the team.


Deployment in Netlify:

We will position ourselves in the file env.local.example and we will generate a copy of this file called env.local where we will change the domain either netlify or vercel. Now to deploy the project we will start a terminal and position ourselves in the direction of the project and write the comand

Later we will execute the command

Deploy in Vercel:

We will use verecel CLI to deploy the project in a url to visualize the changes. The first step is to install vercel CLI

Install vercel CLI

To install Vercel CLI via npm, in the terminal we will write the command:

Or to install it via yarn we will use the command

Later we will check the version of vercel that has been installed with the command

We will position ourselves in the file env.local.example and we will generate a copy of this file called env.local where we will change the domain either netlify or vercel.

Now to deploy the project we will start a terminal and position ourselves in the direction of the project and write the comand

Once this is done, we will write the command

where we will select the out folder created previously. This command will ask us if we want to configure and deploy the project, we will say yes. Then it will ask us in which area we want to deploy and we will select

It will ask us if we want to link to an existing project. Once this process is done, the project will start deploying and it will generate the url where we can view it.

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