techninja / ninjanode

A node.js implementation of the ninjaships.js library, made into a complete HTML5 multiplayer game!
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Ship Design: Point Based #33

Open MakerBlock opened 10 years ago

MakerBlock commented 10 years ago

You get X points to start with to specify top speed, acceleration, turn speed, armor, shield amount, shield reg speed, weapon speed, weapon recharge time/rate, weapon damage.

techninja commented 10 years ago

That would require actually thinking about the usefulness of certain traits, not to mention complicate things quite a bit.

I'd say maybe have a new tab on the connection screen for "custom ship", with sliders. That then allow for maximum value. The other sliders can be pulled down evenly when the current slider hits the limit.

The job I then assign to you is to imagine the values of all the traits on the same scale, this includes the weapons. Go!

MakerBlock commented 10 years ago

Honestly, as long as there's a mix of ships, abilities, etc, this should be a really low priority. But, you told me to add every feature I could think of. Thus...

techninja commented 10 years ago

That's fine. More info the better. Next problem is, what would the ship look like? I'm out of ship graphics :P

MakerBlock commented 10 years ago

Oh, ship graphics are the easiest. ;)

There was ANOTHER game called "Space Empires III" which had really low graphics, but fantastic turn based play. In a lot of ways it was like Civilization. And, the nifty part was you could create your own shipsets. Each size of ship had it's own designation, so you could design a "shipset" for all the different classes of ships. There are probably hundreds of ridiculously awesome designs for ships.