techninja / ninjanode

A node.js implementation of the ninjaships.js library, made into a complete HTML5 multiplayer game!
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Sensors: lots of ideas on how to be unseen by them #34

Open MakerBlock opened 10 years ago

MakerBlock commented 10 years ago

Here's one - how about nebula (dust/gas clouds), black holes, and power-ups that hide you from sensors/compass/radar?

When you're near a black hole, you don't appear on anyone's sensors - but you can't see anyone either (unless you're in visual contact).

When you're cloaked/ghosted, you should drop off the radar as well - but everyone is visible to you.

When you're in a nebula (we'll need to add some sweet lighting animations to it) you can't detect or be detected. However, when you're inside the cloud, you can see others - but they can't see you. Or the mines you've left there. Mu-ah-ha-ha!

This all sounds like more than one "issue."

MakerBlock commented 10 years ago

If a planet has no mass in the game, and you could "park" on one side of them, it would be interesting if doing so would block you from seeing or being seen by sensors on the other side of the planet.