technologiestiftung / flusshygiene-berlin-data-transfer

Aggregate, clean and store data required for the modelling of bathing water in Berlin, through the respective flusshygiene plattform
MIT License
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citylab-berlin open-data


Build Status Aggregate, clean and store data required for the modelling of bathing water in Berlin, through the respective flusshygiene plattform

What this does

This script downloads data from Berlin's SenUVK and transforms it into standardized machine-readable data, which is then uploaded to an AWS S3 instance.


npm install


Create an .env file, based on the .env-sample and fill in your AWS credentials. Check config.json and modify the list of stations to transform, if required.


npm ci
npm run build
node build/index.js

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Fabian Morón Zirfas

💻 📖

Sebastian Meier

💻 📖

Lucas Vogel


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


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