technologiestiftung / flusshygiene

WIP Monorepo for the project Flusshygiene and all the modules that are actually used
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Prediction button does not lead to any results #224

Closed wseis closed 4 years ago

wseis commented 4 years ago

Für Badestelle 43, User 8 sollten eigentlich alle Daten vorhanden sein um aktuelle Vorhersagen zu machen. Druck auf Vorhersage für zur Meldung "your request is being processed", führt jedoch zu keinem (sichtbaren) Ergebnis.

ff6347 commented 4 years ago

Some Insight into the issue and its data

From my logs for the middlelayer I can see the following request several times

2020-03-09 13:37:50 info [index.js]: request body 
    "spot_id": 43,
    "user_id": 8

With the following error response

2020-03-09 13:37:55 info [index.js]: response passed back from opencpu
    "event": "response",
    "payload": {
        "data": {},
        "success": [
        "message": [
            "Error in api_get_bathingspot(user_id) : length(data) == 1 is not TRUE\n"
    "sessionID": "2db79bbc-1df2-4a46-9bc1-9abb025e6937"

@hsonne This seems to be an issue with fhpredcit?


SELECT "name",
  from bathingspot WHERE id = 43;
Key Value
name kleine Badewiese
updatedAt 2020-03-09 10:44:59.029918
apiEndpoints {"dischargesUrl":""}
influenceRainwater yes
influenceAgriculture no
influencePurificationPlant yes


SELECT * from bathingspot_prediction where "bathingspotId" = 43;


SELECT * from bathingspot_model WHERE "bathingspotId" = 43;
id createdAt version updatedAt rmodel parameter comment evaluation bathingspotId
9 2020-02-20 15:36:27.791669 2 2020-02-20 15:36:27.795098 Deprecated. Binary model file has been uploaded. conc_ec {"formula":"log_e.coli ~ q_mean_abs_1 + r_mean_mean_12","N":0.0002,"BP":0.0696,"R2":0.4928,"n_obs":160,"stat_correct":false,"in50":5,"below90":5,"below95":5,"in95":5} 43
13 2020-03-09 10:44:56.431728 2 2020-03-09 10:44:56.43549 Deprecated. Binary model file has been uploaded. conc_ec {"formula":"log_e.coli ~ q_mean_abs_1 + r_mean_mean_12","N":0.0005,"BP":0.0874,"R2":0.4903,"n_obs":160,"stat_correct":false,"in50":5,"below90":5,"below95":5,"in95":5} 43


SELECT count(*) from rain WHERE "bathingspotId" = 43; 


SELECT count(*) from bathingspot_measurement WHERE "bathingspotId" = 43;


SELECT count(*) from discharge where "bathingspotId" = 43;


SELECT * from purification_plant WHERE "bathingspotId" = 43;
id name createdAt updatedAt bathingspotId url
9 Ruhleben 2020-01-06 15:30:28.699472 2020-01-22 14:25:11.383426 43

PPlant Measurements

SELECT count(*) from p_plant_measurement WHERE "purificationPlantId" = 9;
hsonne commented 4 years ago

I cannot reproduce this error in R. I improved the error message so that the (unexpected) structure of the returned object will be shown. Will be available in the next release. Currently on the dev branch:

ff6347 commented 4 years ago

Thank you. Can I install by sha? c6860bf14337914924b5c35f0cef1054578e8aae

ff6347 commented 4 years ago


RUN  R -e "remotes::install_github(\"kwb-r/fhpredict@c6860bf\", build_vignettes = FALSE, force = TRUE, upgrade = \"never\")"
hsonne commented 4 years ago

Sorry, my fault! I found a bug in predict_quality(). The user ID was not considered but always set to 3 (used in the workshop, I assume). I fixed the bug and got the promising result (see below).

Link to bug fix:

@fabianmoronzirfas Yes, you can install by sha. Better: by branch name: @dev

> fhpredict::predict_quality(user_id = 8, spot_id = 43)
Reading all models from the database ... ok. (0.20s) 
Reading model with id = 13 from the database ... ok. (0.07s) 
Getting URLs to Radolan files between 2019-09-21 and 2019-09-30 ... ok. (2.22s) 
Reading rain data from database ... ok. (0.55s) 
Importing rain data block 1/1 ... 
Reading and masking from raa01-sf_10000-1909211050-dwd---bin (1/10 = 10.0%)...
Downloading raa01-sf_10000-1909211050-dwd---bin with access key ... ok. (1.18s) 
Reading and masking from raa01-sf_10000-1909221050-dwd---bin (2/10 = 20.0%)...
Downloading raa01-sf_10000-1909221050-dwd---bin with access key ... ok. (0.96s) 
Reading and masking from raa01-sf_10000-1909231050-dwd---bin (3/10 = 30.0%)...
Downloading raa01-sf_10000-1909231050-dwd---bin with access key ... ok. (0.93s) 
Reading and masking from raa01-sf_10000-1909241050-dwd---bin (4/10 = 40.0%)...
Downloading raa01-sf_10000-1909241050-dwd---bin with access key ... ok. (1.20s) 
Reading and masking from raa01-sf_10000-1909251050-dwd---bin (5/10 = 50.0%)...
Downloading raa01-sf_10000-1909251050-dwd---bin with access key ... ok. (0.80s) 
Reading and masking from raa01-sf_10000-1909261050-dwd---bin (6/10 = 60.0%)...
Downloading raa01-sf_10000-1909261050-dwd---bin with access key ... ok. (0.80s) 
Reading and masking from raa01-sf_10000-1909271050-dwd---bin (7/10 = 70.0%)...
Downloading raa01-sf_10000-1909271050-dwd---bin with access key ... ok. (0.80s) 
Reading and masking from raa01-sf_10000-1909281050-dwd---bin (8/10 = 80.0%)...
Downloading raa01-sf_10000-1909281050-dwd---bin with access key ... ok. (0.68s) 
Reading and masking from raa01-sf_10000-1909291050-dwd---bin (9/10 = 90.0%)...
Downloading raa01-sf_10000-1909291050-dwd---bin with access key ... ok. (0.65s) 
Reading and masking from raa01-sf_10000-1909301050-dwd---bin (10/10 = 100.0%)...
Downloading raa01-sf_10000-1909301050-dwd---bin with access key ... ok. (0.65s) 
Inserting 10 rain data records into the database ... ok. (0.21s) 
ok. (10.83s) 
Reading rain data from database ... ok. (0.55s) 
Reading rain data from database ... ok. (0.51s) 
Reading discharge data from database ... ok. (2.27s) 
Reading irradiances data from database ... ok. (0.09s) 
Reading plant measurements data from database ... ok. (1.52s) 
Removing element 'hygiene_spot43' from list of data frames ... ok. (0.00s) 
Using 64 variables:
- 'r_radolan'
- 'r_radolan_abs_1'
- 'r_radolan_abs_2'
- 'r_radolan_abs_3'
- 'r_radolan_abs_4'
- 'r_radolan_abs_5'
- 'r_radolan_mean_12'
- 'r_radolan_mean_123'
- 'r_radolan_mean_1234'
- 'r_radolan_mean_12345'
- 'r_radolan_mean_2345'
- 'r_radolan_mean_345'
- 'r_radolan_mean_45'
- 'r_radolan_mean_234'
- 'r_radolan_mean_23'
- 'r_radolan_mean_34'
- 'r_mean'
- 'r_mean_abs_1'
- 'r_mean_abs_2'
- 'r_mean_abs_3'
- 'r_mean_abs_4'
- 'r_mean_abs_5'
- 'r_mean_mean_12'
- 'r_mean_mean_123'
- 'r_mean_mean_1234'
- 'r_mean_mean_12345'
- 'r_mean_mean_2345'
- 'r_mean_mean_345'
- 'r_mean_mean_45'
- 'r_mean_mean_234'
- 'r_mean_mean_23'
- 'r_mean_mean_34'
- 'q_1'
- 'q_1_abs_1'
- 'q_1_abs_2'
- 'q_1_abs_3'
- 'q_1_abs_4'
- 'q_1_abs_5'
- 'q_1_mean_12'
- 'q_1_mean_123'
- 'q_1_mean_1234'
- 'q_1_mean_12345'
- 'q_1_mean_2345'
- 'q_1_mean_345'
- 'q_1_mean_45'
- 'q_1_mean_234'
- 'q_1_mean_23'
- 'q_1_mean_34'
- 'q_mean'
- 'q_mean_abs_1'
- 'q_mean_abs_2'
- 'q_mean_abs_3'
- 'q_mean_abs_4'
- 'q_mean_abs_5'
- 'q_mean_mean_12'
- 'q_mean_mean_123'
- 'q_mean_mean_1234'
- 'q_mean_mean_12345'
- 'q_mean_mean_2345'
- 'q_mean_mean_345'
- 'q_mean_mean_45'
- 'q_mean_mean_234'
- 'q_mean_mean_23'
- 'q_mean_mean_34'
Reading predictions data from database ... ok. (0.06s) 
No predictions data available for user_id = 8 and spot_id = 43.
Nothing to delete.
[1] 449 450 451 452 453

[1] TRUE

[1] "5 predictions have been posted to the database."
ff6347 commented 4 years ago

@hsonne :) jiiiiihhaaaa. Can you just make a patch release with 0.10.1 with that fix ?

hsonne commented 4 years ago


ff6347 commented 4 years ago

@hsonne I update the running setup to v0.10.1 but I still have problems with the predcition function.

I can confirm that the communication works. I added for testing purpose the sleep function again and can trigger it and get a response back. Also running a longer process like loading of the rain data works. But running the predict funtion gives me the following error.

"child process has died
In call:
      if (length(priority)) 
    if (length(rlimits)) 
    if (length(gid)) 
    if (length(uid)) 
    if (length(profile)) 
    if (length(device)) 
        options(device = device)
    options( = FALSE)
    serialize(withVisible(eval(orig_expr, parent.frame())), NULL)
}, error = function(e) {
      old_class <- attr(e, \"class\")
    structure(e, class = c(old_class, \"eval_fork_error\"))
}, finally = substitute("

Can you review this. Also if possible it would be great to have some more logging to see what is going on and if the functions are still running. Currently it is a blackbox for me.

hsonne commented 4 years ago

Hm, seems to be an opencpu issue, e.g. also reported here:

ff6347 commented 4 years ago

@hsonne So what does the package do? Can we fix this?

hsonne commented 4 years ago

@fabianmoronzirfas I do not know the package RJDBC. Here is another discussion about the same error. Does that help?

ff6347 commented 4 years ago

Hehe. Saw your mention pop up on the same issue while I was reading it :D

hsonne commented 4 years ago

Can you try to raise the rlimit.nproc value inside /etc/opencpu/server.conf ?

ff6347 commented 4 years ago

From the manual

rlimit.nproc– Maximum number of concurrent processes that the server is allowed to use. Defaults to 50 processes

This is currently set to 100

Do we have that many processes?

hsonne commented 4 years ago

I do not open any additional processes (as far as I am aware of). But I am calling the prediction function posterior_predict() from the rstanarm package. Maybe this function opens further processes. Unfortunately, I cannot see this from the source code that can be found here:

ff6347 commented 4 years ago

meh. Build with v0.11.0 is failing

ff6347 commented 4 years ago

This issue is blocked by it is not possible to rebuild the image using different settings for testing. So this is on hold until this build error is solved

ff6347 commented 4 years ago

Hm. No change in kwb.flusshygiene since oct 2019 @hsonne do you have any idea why we can't build

ff6347 commented 4 years ago

Maybe this error is related to the rstan not to kwb.flusshygiene?

Would it be useful if we try to install packages from binary download instead of building them from source?


ff6347 commented 4 years ago

Trying to increase the rlimit.nproc in the running container just killed it. I also increased the memory for the container with no luck.

ff6347 commented 4 years ago

Yiiiiihhhhaaa. Thanks to our combined effort @hsonne 🙏 This error is fixed.