Creates a streaming connection with twitter, and pushes any incoming statuses to a tweet event.
Depends on ntest.
Use NPM:
npm install twitter-node
Otherwise create a symlink in ~/.node_libraries
$ ln -s /path/to/twitter-node/lib/twitter-node ~/.node_libraries/twitter-node
TwitterNode emits these events:
See the streaming API docs for examples of the limit and delete commands.
// twitter-node does not modify GLOBAL, that's so rude
var TwitterNode = require('twitter-node').TwitterNode
, util = require('util')
// you can pass args to create() or set them on the TwitterNode instance
var twit = new TwitterNode({
user: 'username',
password: 'password',
host: '', // proxy server name or ip addr
port: 8080, // proxy port!
track: ['baseball', 'football'], // sports!
follow: [12345, 67890], // follow these random users
locations: [-122.75, 36.8, -121.75, 37.8] // tweets in SF
// adds to the track array set above
// adds to the following array set above
// follow tweets from NYC
twit.location(-74, 40, -73, 41)
twit.params['count'] = 100;
twit.action = 'sample'; // 'filter' is default
twit.headers['User-Agent'] = 'whatever';
// Make sure you listen for errors, otherwise
// they are thrown
twit.addListener('error', function(error) {
.addListener('tweet', function(tweet) {
util.puts("@" + tweet.user.screen_name + ": " + tweet.text);
.addListener('limit', function(limit) {
util.puts("LIMIT: " + util.inspect(limit));
.addListener('delete', function(del) {
util.puts("DELETE: " + util.inspect(del));
.addListener('end', function(resp) {
util.puts("wave goodbye... " + resp.statusCode);
// We can also add things to track on-the-fly
// This will reset the stream;
See Keep these points in mind when getting ready to use TwitterNode in production:
Copyright (c) 2010 rick. See LICENSE for details.