techservicesillinois / secdev-quarantinenetwork

Source code for the Quarantine Network API and self-service portal
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SecDev Quarantine Network

Code Compliance

What is this?

This is the source code for an API allowing management of users that have been placed on the quarantine network.

How do I build it?



Chocolatey is highly recommended for installing prerequisite packages.

Installing Chocolatey

After Installing Chocolatey

  1. Run choco commands for any of the tools below if you don't already have them installed.

    choco install git
    choco install docker-desktop
    choco install make

    Note: If running on Apple, install Brew and then replace choco with brew. If running on Linux, replace choco with apt-get or your package manager of choice.

  2. Clone the repository to a directory of your choice on your machine:

    > git clone
  3. Add a .env file to the project root and add the following keys and values:

    CLIENT_SECRET=<add client secret here>

    A SecDev team member can help you obtain the dev API key.

  4. Build and run Docker image:

    > make

    This should result in a build, including any pip installs, and a running dev server. Once the dev server is running try going to http://localhost:5000/canary. You should get an 'Ok' message.

    Once the image is built you can just run:

    > make run

    to start the development server.

    If you change the Makefile, any of the *.in files, or Dockerfile run:

    > make clean
    > make

    to build the images again.

    If you want to upgrade the packages in the requirements files run:

    > make upgrade
    > make

    You can also run:

    > make shell

    to get a bash shell.