teddysum / teddy_srl

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Korean Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) tool made by Teddysum.


Teddy_SRL is a span-based semantic role labeling (SRL) module for Korean text. It is based on BERT model (bert-base-multilingual-cased) , and was trained by using the Korean PropBank data which is modified by Lee et al., (2015)


How to Install


git clone https://github.com/teddysum/teddy_srl.git

How to use

Download the pretrained model

Download two pretrained model files to {your_model_dir} (e.g. /home/model/bert_ko_srl_model.pt).

Note that there are two files: config.json and pytorch_model.bin

Import srl_based_parser (in your python code) (make sure that your code is in a parent folder of teddy_srl)

from teddy_srl import parser

model_dir = {your_model_dir} # absolute_path (e.g. /home/model/teddy_srl)
srl_parser = parser.srl_parser(model_dir=model_dir)

parse the input text

text = '헤밍웨이는 1899년 7월 21일 미국 일리노이에서 태어났고 62세에 자살로 사망했다.'
parsed = srl_parser.ko_srl_parser(text)

Result Format

conll-like format

The result is a list, which consists of multiple SRL structures. Each SRL structure is in a list, which consists of three lists: (1) tokens, (2) predicates, and (3) arguments. For example, for the given input text, the output is in the following format:

        ['헤밍웨이는', '1899년', '7월', '21일', '미국', '일리노이에서', '태어났고', '62세에', '자살로', '사망했다.']
        ['_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '태어나.v', '_', '_', '_']
        ['B-ARG0', 'B-ARGM_TMP', 'I-ARGM_TMP', 'I-ARGM_TMP', 'B-ARGM_LOC', 'I-ARGM_LOC', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O']

        ['헤밍웨이는', '1899년', '7월', '21일', '미국', '일리노이에서', '태어났고', '62세에', '자살로', '사망했다.']
        ['_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '사망하.v']
        ['B-ARG0', 'B-ARGM_DIS', 'I-ARGM_DIS', 'I-ARGM_DIS', 'I-ARGM_DIS', 'I-ARGM_DIS', 'I-ARGM_DIS', 'B-ARG2', 'B-ARG2', 'O']

where the first annotation is a SRL for the verb '태어나.v', and second is for the verb '사망하.v'.

triple format (as a Graph) The result is a list of triples.

    ('predicate#0:태어나.v', 'arg:ARG0', '헤밍웨이'),
    ('predicate#0:태어나.v', 'arg:ARGM_TMP', '1899년 7월 21일'),
    ('predicate#0:태어나.v', 'arg:ARGM_LOC', '미국 일리노이에'),
    ('predicate#1:사망하.v', 'arg:ARG0', '헤밍웨이'),
    ('predicate#1:사망하.v', 'arg:ARGM_DIS', '1899년 7월 21일 미국 일리노이에서 태어났고'),
    ('predicate#1:사망하.v', 'arg:ARG2', '62세'),
    ('predicate#1:사망하.v', 'arg:ARG2', '자살')]

The graph could be visualized.

import pygraphviz as pgv
from IPython.display import Image

def visualize(graph):

    G = pgv.AGraph(directed=True, overlap=False)
    labels = {}

    for s,p,o in graph:
        if '-' in p:
            p = 'arg:'+p.split('-')[-1]
        G.add_edge(s,o, label=p)




The model is evaluated for argument identification task, in terms of Accuracy and F1.

accuracy: 0.8513605783713224
F1: 0.6737581328100796

             precision    recall  f1-score   support

       ARGA       0.73      0.68      0.70        28
       ARG1       0.72      0.75      0.74      3332
   ARGM_TMP       0.64      0.69      0.67       881
       ARG0       0.69      0.78      0.73      1444
       ARG2       0.69      0.70      0.69       911
   ARGM_INS       0.27      0.34      0.30       119
   ARGM_DIS       0.31      0.42      0.35       546
   ARGM_LOC       0.55      0.65      0.60       205
   ARGM_CND       0.31      0.47      0.37        81
        AUX       0.97      0.96      0.96       758
   ARGM_EXT       0.68      0.60      0.64       201
   ARGM_ADV       0.42      0.38      0.40       166
   ARGM_DIR       0.14      0.14      0.14        14
   ARGM_CAU       0.26      0.33      0.29       187
   ARGM_MNR       0.51      0.60      0.55       201
   ARGM_PRP       0.33      0.47      0.39        70
       ARG3       0.56      0.62      0.59        78
   ARGM_PRD       0.15      0.23      0.18        56
   ARGM_NEG       0.00      0.00      0.00         3

avg / total       0.66      0.70      0.68      9281

Running REST API service

By running the code restApp.py, you can make a standalone REST service at your own server.

How to run REST API service

python restApp.py --port {port number} --model {model path}


python restApp.py --port 9001 --model ./models/teddy_srl

Then, you can use it with the POST method to the url XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9001/teddy_srl. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is your IP address.

import request

url = 'http://localhost:9001/teddy_srl'
response = requests.post(url, data=d)
a = response.json()

Input format

# JSON format
 "text": "Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Illinois, and died of suicide at the age of 62.",
 "result_format": "all"


Changki Lee, Soojong Lim, Hyunki Kim. Korean Semantic Role Labeling Using Structured SVM. In Proceddings of the KIISE Korea Computer Congress 2015, 42.2: 220-226. (in Korean)

Jangseong Bae, Changki Lee, Hyunki Kim. Korean Semantic Role Labeling with Highway BiLSTM-CRFs. HCLT, 2017, 159-162. (in Korean)






Younggyun Hahm, CEO of Teddysum. hahmyg@teddysum.ai