Dit is onze readme file
Roles \ Product Owner - Daan, met hulp van Bryan \ Scrum Master - Vincent, Willem \ Developers - Thijs, Jodie, Daan, Bryan, Vincent, Willem
Tools, frameworks, methodes\ Vanuit hoofdstakeholder - Azure, Java17, Scrum, Spring \ Zelf bedacht - Miro, Figma \
Om een schaalbaar duurzame leeromgeving te creëren waar users en trainers online toegang krijgen tot verschillende soorten Working Talent lesmateriaal.
Om steeds een werkend product aan het einde van een week te crëeren, is het noodzekelijk aan de Definition of Done te houden.
Sprint Goal — een eerste versie van het product, in de frontend een tabel van de backend kan zien. Eerste mockup van de frontend te kunnen laten zien.
Priorisations \ (P0) - Moet gedaan worden om verder te kunnen gaan. \ (P1) - Eerste dat opgepakt moet worden als huidige taken af zijn. \ (P2) - Alles dat gedaan moet worden op de backlog. \ (P3) - Alles dat niet relevant is voor het project op dit moment.
First, clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repository.git
cd [your-repository]
Create a new branch for your work based on the latest main branch:
git checkout main
git status main
git pull origin main
git checkout -b feature/short-description
Make your changes in the new branch. Frequently commit your changes with clear and concise messages:
git add .
git commit -m "Add detailed description of the changes made"
Push your branch to the remote repository:
git push -u origin featVincent
Team members will review the pull request and provide feedback. Make any necessary changes in your feature branch:
git checkout feature/short-description
git add .
git commit -m "Address review feedback"
git push origin feature/short-description
Once the pull request is approved and all checks pass, it can be merged into the main branch. This is usually done by a maintainer or a team lead to ensure consistency:
Merge the pull request on the GitHub interface.
Delete the feature branch if it’s no longer needed.
After a successful merge, update your local main branch:
git checkout main
git status main
git pull origin main
If you encounter merge conflicts when updating your branch, resolve them locally:
git fetch origin
git merge origin/main
# Resolve conflicts manually
git add .
git commit -m "Resolve merge conflicts"
git push origin [featVincent]
If you run into issue with your feature branch conflicting with the main, it may be time to reset the feature branch to the main. To do this, save the important changes to a serperate file to copy later. WARNING: This will reset all changes and remove all files including .gitignore files in your local repository.
git reset // This will unstage all files you might have staged with git add .
git checkout main // This will revert local uncommited changes (execture in main)
// Alternatively
git reset --hard main // This will revert all uncommitted changes (works from any directory)
git clean -n // Preview of files to be deleted
git clean -fdx // Removes all non-committed data, even what is in .gitignore