teekkarispeksi / nappikauppa2

MIT License
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Development enviroment

Project uses Visual Studio Code devcontainers for creating platform independent isolated development environment.


Check that these requirements are installed before proceeding futher

  1. Docker
  2. Visual Studio Code
  3. Visual Studio Code Remote Development

Other project requirements and VSCode extensions are managed by devcontainer system.


  1. Open project folder with VSCode
  2. Check enviroment variables and directory mounts in .devcontainer/docker-compose.yml file. Pay attention to UID and GID variables
  3. Reopen project in remote container enviroment. Project installs development database and dependencies automatically.
  4. Use ctrl+shift+b to start dev server
  5. Go to http://localhost:3000/. For admin site go to http://localhost:3000/admin. Default username is admin and password nappiadmin5.


Project is migrated back from yarn to npm. Please use npm for installing dependencies as production Dockerfile uses package-lock.json file for dependency installation.

Development server supports livereload for detecting frontend changes

Setting up database for production

( Assuming that you have mysql (maridb) installed )

  1. Run db/tables.sql and db/venues.sql against your database (e.g. mysql nappikauppa2 < db/tables.sql)
  2. Run db/evolutions/01_add_production_to_discount_code.sql against your database
  3. Run db/evolutions/02_add_payment_provider_to_order.sql against your database


DO NOT USE DEVELOPEMENT DOCKER DATABASE IN PRODUCTION Development docker database file is not for production use, if you want to run database inside docker, please create own image for that purposes.

Building docker image

  1. Check out this repository
  2. Move to repository root
  3. Run docker build -t teekkarispeksi/nappikauppa2:latest . and wait magic to happen

Build results to single alpine based docker image which is ready for execution.

Deploying docker image to production

We use portainer on top of docker swarm for running application stack in production.

Sample stack.yml

Sample swarm stack configuration

version: '3.7'

    image: teekkarispeksi/nappikauppa2:latest
      - source: nappikauppa-config
        target: /app/config/config.js
      - source: nappikauppa-frontend-config
        target: /app/config/frontend-config.js
      replicas: 1
        parallelism: 1
        delay: 5s
        order: start-first
        condition: any
        delay: 5s
        max_attempts: 3
        window: 120s

    name: nappikauppa2.config.v1.js
    external: true
    name: nappikauppa2.frontend-config.v1.js
    external: true