tejaslinge / Google-Maps-Places-Scraper

A standalone app to scrape places from Google Maps (example: Pizza Places in New York)
4 stars 1 forks source link
google-geocode-api google-maps-api maps-api places-api places-scraper python scraping-bot streamlit streamlit-webapp


I've seen a lot of job posts on UpWork / Fiverr which require scraping places from Google Maps given a PIN / ZIP Code or an address. For example "Pizza Places in New York" or "Construction Companies for Postal Code {Any London Postal Code}".

To make things easier, here's an app which you can use to easily scrape places from Google Maps.

Steps to setting-up this app:

  1. Get Google Places API Key: https://ultimateelementor.com/docs/get-google-places-api-key/
  2. Paste the API Key in API_KEY.txt
  3. Install requirements.txt : pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
  4. To run the app, use the following command in the terminal: streamlit run main.py

Here's a short demo of how the app works:
