tekjoey / portfolio

A collection of code examples.
MIT License
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I created this repository primarily to showcase my abilities with various programing languages, as well as with git/GitHub. Most of the work I have done with programing/scripting has been one-off projects or tutorials that I had no reason to publish, but that then means I have no way of showcasing my abilities. So this repository will be a collection of various small projects that hopefully will display my abilities.


All of the technologies listed are ones that I started learning on my own. The aproximate dates I started learning the following technologies:


Each programing language will have its own directory. Under each will be subirectories for various projects.


The LA in a commit message denote that the commit regards something that I learned about for the first time


Pull requests will be denied as this is a showcase of my solo work. Feel free to fork this repository, or use it for your own learning/training.