tekkamanendless / iaqualink

Go package for talking with iAquaLink pool robots, including Polaris robots.
MIT License
7 stars 2 forks source link
golang iaqualink polaris zodiac

Go Report Card GoDoc


Go package for talking with iAquaLink/Zodiac pool robots.

This package has been built by reverse-engineering the iAquaLink HTTP protocol using mitmproxy.

This package is very much in development, and there's a good chance that your specific pool robot is not properly supported. If you'd like to help out, set up an mitmproxy and send me your traffic.

Tested With

Device Types

Zodiac API

Base: https://prod.zodiac-io.com

POST /devices/v1/${device}/ota

Returns information on if the device has an update available.


JSON request:

JSON response:

The only values that I'm aware of so far are:

GET /devices/v2/${device}/shadow

This seems to be identical to GET /devices/v1/${device}/shadow.

POST /devices/v1/${device}/shadow

This appears to let you update the state of the device.


JSON request:

For example, for an exo chlorinator, you might set production: 1 or production: 0 to turn it on or off, respectively.

JSON response:

This is practically identical to the response from GET /devices/v2/${device}/shadow.

GET /devices/v2/${device}/features

This returns a list of features that the device supports.


GET /devices/v2/${device}/info

TODO: ???


GET /devices/v2/${device}/site

TODO: ???


GET /devices/v2/${device}/shadow

This appears to return the current state of the device.


JSON response:

POST /push/v1/users/unregister-mobile

TODO: ???

POST /users/v1/login

This logs you into the Zodiac API and provides you with a user ID and authentication token. These will be used by the iAquaLink API.

JSON body:

JSON response (relevant subset):

POST /users/v1/refresh

This uses the user's e-mail addresss and RefreshToken to effectively log in again.

JSON body:

JSON response:

The output is similar to that of POST /users/v1/login. Note, however, that userPoolOAuth.RefreshToken will not be present.

iAquaLink PRM(?) API

Base: https://prm.iaqualink.net

POST /v2/signout

TODO: ???


iAquaLink API

Base: https://r-api.iaqualink.net

GET /devices.json

This lists the devices on your account. You'll need the device ID for any device-related endpoints.

Query parameters:

Response JSON:

(There are other fields, but they aren't particularly helpful.)

POST /devices/${device}/execute_read_command.json

This executes a command on a device.

Query parameters:


Request codes:

Request code format:


Web Socket API

Base: https://prod-socket.zodiac-io.com


This endpoint appears to be the main endpoint for communication (when supported).

Note that in responses, the metadata object appears to be a mirror of state, but with timestamps where every bottom-level property is.

Action: Subscribe


    "action": "subscribe",
    "version": 1,
    "namespace": "authorization",
    "payload": {
        "userId": ${userId}
    "service": "Authorization",
    "target": "${device}"


    "service": "Authorization",
    "target": "${device}",
    "namespace": "authorization",
    "payload": {
        "robot": {
            "state": {
                "reported": {
                    "aws": {
                        "status": "connected",
                        "timestamp": 1663228298244,
                        "session_id": "11ae4f85-2f9b-4b82-b726-3528c876ea0e"
                    "sn": "${device}",
                    "dt": "cyc",
                    "vr": "V21C10",
                    "payloadVer": 1,
                    "eboxData": {
                        "controlBoxSn": "${some-serial-number}",
                        "controlBoxPn": "${some-part-number}",
                        "completeCleanerSn": "${some-serial-number}",
                        "completeCleanerPn": "${some-part-number}",
                        "powerSupplySn": "${some-serial-number}",
                        "motorBlockSn": "${some-serial-number}"
                    "equipment": {
                        "robot.1": {
                            "mode": 0,
                            "direction": 0,
                            "cycle": 3,
                            "cycleStartTime": 1663140417,
                            "canister": 0,
                            "logger": 0,
                            "firstSmrtFlag": 1,
                            "stepper": 0,
                            "stepperAdjTime": 15,
                            "durations": {
                                "waterTim": 45,
                                "quickTim": 90,
                                "smartTim": 0,
                                "deepTim": 150,
                                "customTim": 75,
                                "firstSmartTim": 150,
                                "scanTim": 30
                            "customCyc": {
                                "type": 0,
                                "intensity": 0
                            "errors": {
                                "timestamp": 1663097347,
                            "vr": "V21E11",
                            "equipmentId": "ND21015155",
                            "totRunTime": 13410
            "metadata": {
                "reported": {
                    "aws": {
                        "status": { "timestamp": 1663228298 },
                        "timestamp": { "timestamp": 1663228298 },
                        "session_id": { "timestamp": 1663228298 }
                    "sn": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                    "dt": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                    "vr": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                    "payloadVer": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                    "eboxData": {
                        "controlBoxSn": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                        "controlBoxPn": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                        "completeCleanerSn": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                        "completeCleanerPn": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                        "powerSupplySn": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                        "motorBlockSn": { "timestamp":1662828488 }
                    "equipment": {
                        "robot.1": {
                            "mode": { "timestamp": 1663228321 },
                            "direction": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                            "cycle": { "timestamp": 1663228321 },
                            "cycleStartTime": { "timestamp": 1663140419 },
                            "canister": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                            "logger": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                            "firstSmrtFlag": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                            "stepper": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                            "stepperAdjTime": { "timestamp":1662828488 },
                            "durations": {
                                "waterTim": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                                "quickTim": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                                "smartTim": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                                "deepTim": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                                "customTim": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                                "firstSmartTim": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                                "scanTim": { "timestamp": 1662828488 }
                            "customCyc": {
                                "type": { "timestamp": 1662828488 },
                                "intensity": { "timestamp": 1662828488 }
                            "errors": {
                                "timestamp": { "timestamp": 1663140402 },
                                "code": { "timestamp": 1663140402 }
                            "vr": { "timestamp": 1662828489 },
                            "equipmentId": { "timestamp": 1662828489 },
                            "totRunTime": { "timestamp": 1663149719 }
            "version": 230169,
            "timestamp": 1663228422
        "data": [],
        "ota": {
            "status": "UP_TO_DATE"

Action: Start cleaning

As far as I can tell, the clientToken appears to be a random identifier for matching the request with a subsequent event.


    "action": "setState",
    "version": 1,
    "namespace": "cyclonext",
    "payload": {
        "state": {
            "desired": {
                "equipment": {
                    "robot.1": {
                        "mode": 1
        "clientToken": "${userId}|AuWGRMyOKDfMvkU4vhK5wj|l8KVqVChow1lV69CcBad0b"
    "service": "StateController",
    "target": "${device}"


    "service": "StateStreamer",
    "target": "${device}",
    "event": "StateReported",
    "version": 1,
    "payload": {
        "state": {
            "desired": {
                "equipment": {
                    "robot.1": {
                        "mode": 1
        "metadata": {
            "desired": {
                "equipment": {
                    "robot.1": {
                        "mode": { "timestamp": 1663228439 }
        "version": 230170,
        "timestamp": 1663228439,
        "clientToken": "${userId}|AuWGRMyOKDfMvkU4vhK5wj|l8KVqVChow1lV69CcBad0b"

Action: Stop Cleaning

As far as I can tell, the clientToken appears to be a random identifier for matching the request with a subsequent event.


    "action": "setState",
    "version": 1,
    "namespace": "cyclonext",
    "payload": {
        "state": {
            "desired": {
                "equipment": {
                    "robot.1": {
                        "mode": 0
        "clientToken": "${userId}|AuWGRMyOKDfMvkU4vhK5wj|CUXkLn7Dyb0OIplLCBVtAQ"
    "service": "StateController",
    "target": "KK2100006435"

Other Secret(?) Web Socket API

Base: https://a1zi08qpbrtjyq-ats.iot.us-east-1.amazonaws.com


This endpoint appears to be the main endpoint for communication (when supported).

Query parameters:

I have no idea how to find or create those parameters.

The web socket communication also appears to be in binary format, and I haven't figured out how to decode it yet.


Perhaps also on this API is:

iAquaLink API Command Responses

The response is plain text representing hexadecimal data (no spaces).

Response code format:

Simple Responses

These commands all seem to respond back with a specific response of 01, which I'm assuming is a basic acknowledgement.

Schedule Response

The result is plain text representing hexadecimal data (no spaces).

Example (every day at 3am):

        |    Tuesday
        |    |    Wednesday
        |    |    |   Thursday
        |    |    |    |    Friday
        |    |    |    |    |    Saturday
        |    |    |    |    |    |    Sunday
        |__  |__  |__  |__  |__  |__  |__
     ?? |  \ |  \ |  \ |  \ |  \ |  \ |  \
000D 7F 0300 0300 0300 0300 0300 0300 0300

Days start with Monday and end with Sunday.

Each day is of the form:

Hour (1 byte)
| Minute (1 byte)
| |

For example, 0300 is 3am; 030F is 3:15am, 031E is 3:30am, etc.

Note that the iAquaLink app requires that the minute be in 15-minute increments.

Status Response

The result is plain text representing hexadecimal data (no spaces).

Examples (???):

     |  Error code ???
     |  |  Cleaning mode
     |  |  |  Minutes remaining
     |  |  |  |  Uptime (minutes) ???
     |  |  |  |  |      Runtime (minutes) ???
     |  |  |  |  |____  |____
     |\ |\ |\ |\ |    \ |    \ ?????? ??????
0011 04 00 0B 73 09C305 B3FD01 1F4309 0F4570
0011 04 00 0B 00 39CF05 820502 1F4309 0F4570 [9:37pm]
0011 0C 00 0B 00 3ACF05 4E0602 1F4309 0F4570 [9:38pm]
0011 03 00 0B D2 3BCF05 4E0602 1F4309 0F4570 [9:39pm]
0011 01 00 0B D2 0EC305 B3FD01 1F4309 0F4570
0011 04 00 0B 84 AFC605 6F0002 1F4309 0F4570 - Deep - floor and walls (high)
0011 02 00 08 63 B1C605 6F0002 1F4309 0F4570 - Quick - floor only (standard)
0011 02 00 0C 36 B2C605 6F0002 1F4309 0F4570 - Waterline only (standard)
0011 02 00 09 6D B3C605 6F0002 1F4309 0F4570 - Custom - floor (high)
0011 02 00 0A 9F B4C605 6F0002 1F4309 0F4570 - Cusomm - floor and walls (standard)
0011 02 00 0D 40 B5C605 6F0002 1F4309 0F4570 - Custom - waterline (high)
0011 02 00 0B CC BCC605 6F0002 1F4309 0F4570
0011 03 00 0B D2 2ACA05 210302 1F4309 0F4570 - Finished
0011 03 00 0B D2 40CA05 210302 1F4309 0F4570
0011 03 00 0B D2 44CA05 210302 1F4309 0F4570 - Finished [12:07am]
0011 03 00 0B D2 45CA05 210302 1F4309 0F4570 - Finished [12:08am]
0011 03 00 0B D2 46CA05 210302 1F4309 0F4570 - Finished [12:09am]
0011 0D 08 0B D2 B3D105 180702 1F4309 0F4570 - Error - out of water [8:19am]
0011 03 00 0B D2 8DD305 E40702 1F4309 0F4570 [4:21pm]
0011 02 00 0B D1 8FD305 E40702 1F4309 000000 [4:23pm]
0011 02 00 0B D0 90D305 E40702 1F4309 0F4570 [4:24pm]
0011 03 00 0B D2 2FEC05 F71202 1F4309 0F4570 - Finished [2:59am]
0011 02 00 0B D1 30EC05 F71202 1F4309 0F4570 - Started [3:00am]
0011 0D 08 0B D2 31EC05 A51302 1F4309 0F4570 - Error - out of water [3:01am]
0011 0E 08 0B D2 3BEC05 A51302 1F4309 0F4570 - Error - ??? [3:11am]
0011 0E 05 0B D2 8D4707 0CE202 1F4309 0F4570 - Error - drive motor consumption right
0011 0E 0A 0B D2 885507 25E302 1F4309 000000 - Error - communication
0011 04 00 0B 03 87DC07 D80F00 1F4309 0F4580 [after replacing the motor block]
0011 0C 00 0B 00 8CDC07 D80F00 1F4309 0F4580 [as it's finishing up]
0011 03 00 0B D2 8CDC07 A21000 1F4309 0F4580 [after it finishes]


I've seen it transition from 02 to 04 10 minutes into a scheduled cleaning and 10 minutes into a manual cleaning.

I've seen it transition from OD to OE 10 minutes into a scheduled cleaning when the robot was out of the water.

I've seen it transition from 04 to 0C to 03 over the span of 3 minutes.

The runtime only appears to update after a cleaning cycle completes.

Error code ???:

Cleaning mode (& 0x0f):

Cleaning mode (& 0x10 >> 8):


Traffic Capture with mitmproxy

If you'd like to help get your particular pool robot working (or help with a subset of functionality that isn't properly supported), set up an mitmproxy and configure your phone's wifi network to use the proxy. This will allow you to capture (and decrypt) all of the traffic that goes to and from the Zodiac/iAquaLink APIs.

For information about mitmproxy, see: https://mitmproxy.org/

When using mitmproxy, please only perform iAquaLink operations and then immediately remove the proxy settings. I don't want you to accidentally capture your passwords and credentials from other pieces of software.

If possible, only use a spare phone (or an emulator) that only has iAquaLink installed.

The ideal workflow is the following:

  1. Log out of your iAquaLink account.
  2. Start mitmproxy.
  3. Configure your phone's wifi to use the proxy.
  4. Open iAquaLink.
  5. Login.
  6. Perform a single action.
  7. Stop mitmproxy and save the results.
  8. Configure your phone's wifi to not use the proxy anymore.

This way, the traffic captured only has the login operation and a single operation. If you're going to share this capture with someone, please change your password after completing it (or change it before you start and then change it back when you're done).

If you perfom multiple operations, please write down which operations you performed in the order that you performed them.