teknologkoren / flasquelistan

Implementation of Strequelistan with Flask and progressive enhancement 🍻
5 stars 3 forks source link
flask lightweight progressive-enhancement python


Setting up a development environment

Create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the environment:

. venv/bin/activate

Now you may either use pip directly to install the dependencies, or you can install pip-tools. The latter is recommended.


pip install -r requirements.txt


pip-tools can keep your virtual environment in sync with the requirements.txt file, as well as compiling a new requirements.txt when adding/removing a dependency in requirements.in.

pip install pip-tools
pip-compile  # only necessary when adding/removing a dependency

Initializing the application

Tell Flask where the app is located:

$ export FLASK_APP=app.py

Now you might want to create the database and populate it with some mock data:

$ flask initdb
$ flask populatetestdb

Create a user with admin privileges with which you can log in:

$ flask createadmin

Run the development server with helpful debug pages when exceptions occur:

$ FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run

The server is now live on http://localhost:5000.

If you haven't already created /instance/config.py, one is generated for you with some sane defaults. The config in /instance overrides the default config and is not checked in to git. The generated config sets the database file to be created in /instance.


Pytest is used for testing, tests are located in tests/. Run the tests from the root directory with

$ pytest

You can also add the -n auto flag if you want to run the tests in paralell, and the -v flag for a more verbose output:

$ pytest -v -n auto

If you want to only run a certain set of tests you can use the -k flag to filter the tests:

$ pytest -k quote

Messure test coverage

You can test the test coverage by running:

$ coverage run -m pytest

And then show the result with:

$ coverage report