tekumara / fakesnow

Fake Snowflake Connector for Python. Run, mock and test Snowflake DB locally.
Apache License 2.0
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emulator local mock snowflakedb testing

fakesnow ❄️

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Fake Snowflake Connector for Python. Run and mock Snowflake DB locally.


pip install fakesnow


Run script.py with fakesnow:

fakesnow script.py

Or a module, eg: pytest

fakesnow -m pytest

fakesnow executes fakesnow.patch before running the script or module.


To use fakesnow within your code:

import fakesnow
import snowflake.connector

with fakesnow.patch():
    conn = snowflake.connector.connect()

    print(conn.cursor().execute("SELECT 'Hello fake world!'").fetchone())

The following imports are automatically patched:

To patch modules that use the from ... import syntax, manually specify them, eg: if mymodule.py has the import:

from snowflake.connector.pandas_tools import write_pandas

Then patch it using:

with fakesnow.patch("mymodule.write_pandas"):

By default databases are in-memory. To persist databases between processes, specify a databases path:

with fakesnow.patch(db_path="databases/"):

pytest fixtures

pytest fixtures are provided for testing. Example conftest.py:

from typing import Iterator

import fakesnow.fixtures
import pytest

pytest_plugins = fakesnow.fixtures.__name__

@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def setup(_fakesnow_session: None) -> Iterator[None]:
    # the standard imports are now patched

Or with from ... import patch targets:

from typing import Iterator

import fakesnow
import pytest

@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def _fakesnow_session() -> Iterator[None]:
    with fakesnow.patch("mymodule.write_pandas"):

Implementation coverage

Partial support

For more detail see tests/test_fakes.py



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