telegramdesktop / tdesktop

Telegram Desktop messaging app
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Shortcuts #1060

Open auchri opened 9 years ago

auchri commented 9 years ago

The goal of this issue is to add the following shortcuts:


Voice messages


(by @DaFri-Nochiterov at #1706)


(Summary of #3163, #1904, #1706, #1688, #1330, #1244, #1139, #949, #873, #853, #830, #782, #703 and #78)

ralesk commented 9 years ago

I guess a related thing would be to make up and down arrows work reliably (sometimes they do nothing, sometimes they scroll the chat history — I'd be perfectly fine if they only ever navigated in the text entry and history scrollback would be pageup/pagedown instead, kinda like in Skype)

auchri commented 9 years ago

@ralesk Scrolling through the history with page up/page down works for me

ralesk commented 9 years ago

I know, I missed the word "only" there. My problem is the way the arrows work.

Geobert commented 9 years ago

Please make it configurable: some people do not use classical keyboard layout (think dvorak, bépo, colemark etc…)

auchri commented 9 years ago

@Geobert thanks, added it to the list :)

xander13th commented 9 years ago

[Minimize to tray] and [opening] can be implemented by one hotkey (see #748 for details). Anyway i'm happy to see hotkeys in to-do list :)

tostiheld commented 8 years ago

how is the progress on this issue? any way i could help?

poxin13 commented 8 years ago

:+1: Yes please! Running this on a chromebook within crouton, there is no taskbar in order to close - have to kill the app. Major PITA here :)

terryaney commented 8 years ago

Are there any keyboard shortcuts? Specifically looking for a shortcut to get me to the 'search' field...otherwise, what is the 'keyboard' mechanism to start a chat with a new person?

Walkman100 commented 8 years ago

Ctrl + F searches the current chat, Esc closes the current chat and focuses the search all box.

erisdev commented 8 years ago

would be nice to have cmd-{ and cmd-} switch between conversations on mac os x since those are standard issue shortcuts for switching between tabs here.

i realize ctrl-tab and shift-ctrl-tab are available but those are exceedingly difficult to type with only a left ctrl key.

Walkman100 commented 8 years ago

Woah, Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab are really useful, thanks for sharing. On the contrary, I think those are nicer to press with the left ctrl key, because then I can keep my right hand on the mouse

damaru2 commented 8 years ago

Why don't also letting the user to change the keys that trigger the shortcuts?

erisdev commented 8 years ago

@Walkman100 ymmv of course. i'm on a notebook so my trackpad's always in thumb's reach, but i usually keep both hands on the keyboard anyways unless i'm using an art program.

in my case, ctrl-tab requires me to move my left hand far away from the home row position and shift-ctrl-tab is worse. the standard mac keys can be done with only a slight movement of my right hand.

nicho90 commented 8 years ago

I was missing the CMD + CTRL + F Shortcut for Fullscreen-Mode on MacOS, so added a new issue with [Feature-request for fullscreen-mode] #1904 before I saw there is already an issue about shortcuts. Feel free to add this shortcut to the list above and close my issue then.

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

Insert last sent message into the text field with CTRL + Up

Like in command line? But what about quick edit?

nicho90 commented 8 years ago

Thank you @auchri! 👍

stek29 commented 8 years ago

@toxsedyshev maybe edit if allowed, and just insert if can't edit?

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

@stek29 In that case, how to insert if edit allowed? :) No, I think there should be two separate commands.

LeonelF commented 8 years ago

Ctrl + L should lock the telegram (as it does right now) and minimize to the tray, that would be an awesome feature

john-preston commented 8 years ago

@LeonelF Use Ctrl+L Ctrl+W :)

LeonelF commented 8 years ago

@john-preston That is what I do, but it would be nice that Ctrl+L do both since you lock it there is no point to keep it on screen, I bet that almost every user that blocks telegram will minimize to tray after blocking it.

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

@LeonelF I don't :)

Walkman100 commented 8 years ago

I've recently seen a shortcuts-custom.json file in the tdata folder, is this file used to customise commands? if so, @LeonelF you could add a rule to Ctrl+L to make it minimise, then see if Ctrl+L locks & minimises Telegram. (As a side note: WOOT telegramdesktop is FINALLY a GitHub org!)

auchri commented 8 years ago

I've recently seen a shortcuts-custom.json file in the tdata folder, is this file used to customise commands?


(As a side note: WOOT telegramdesktop is FINALLY a GitHub org!)


LeonelF commented 8 years ago

@Walkman100 I found the file and the command, { "command": "lock_telegram", "keys": "ctrl+l" },

But this doesn't seem to be able to aggregate two commands for one key combination, does it?

john-preston commented 8 years ago

@LeonelF No aggregation, sorry.

LeonelF commented 8 years ago

@john-preston It would be needed to have a command like lock_and_close_telegram so I could assign it to a key combination. Can it be done? :)

stek29 commented 8 years ago

Open emoji panel when pressing TAB in text field

Should I make a PR for this one? I already implemented it here.

ralesk commented 8 years ago

I don't think a movement key should open anything. In normal GUI programs we activate things to open them.

This is also an accessibility thing (though I'm unsure if Orca or NVDA reads Telegram at the moment, for example): When you want to navigate, you expect not to trigger anything with the navigation. Actually I have the same grief with the hover-popup of the file and emoji menus, it makes it cumbersome (even for a non-handicapped person) to avoid triggering those popups accidentally.

MasterGroosha commented 8 years ago

Maybe Ctrl+Up to edit last message and Ctrl+Down to reply to last message?

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

@ralesk Quick edit by Up key is default behavior in all modern messengers like Skype, Slack, etc. Telegram is a messenger, first of all.

MasterGroosha commented 8 years ago

@toxsedyshev This completely ruins scrolling. I mean, in channels up/down scrolls, but in normal chats - no. That ruins experience while using Telegam.

0x49D1 commented 8 years ago

@Kondra007 came to this thread to say that! Edit message gonna be nice addition(for now we need to right click and Delete the message) and Ctrl+Up seems OK hotkey for the action.

ralesk commented 8 years ago

@toxsedyshev My reply was about the Tab key, sorry if that wasn't clear.

ralesk commented 8 years ago

@Kondra007 @0x49D1 I side with @toxsedyshev on this one though, in other common messengers (Skype, Slack), even IRC clients (Quassel) page up and page down is what scrolls the chat history, up and down navigates inside the edit box, and it's very common that Up on an empty entry loads the previous comment for editing. This is what people are used to.

Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down could be used to access entry history — not editing, creating a new message with the same text; this might not be useful in Telegram, but also a fairly common feature of IRC clients for example. In slack, the Ctrl-ness can be switched with a setting.

Ctrl+Down for reply is entirely non-mnemonic to me.

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

@Kondra007 Yes, but who needs one-line scroll using "key up"? You have "page up", mouse wheel, search. That's why other messengers don't scroll by "key up" too.

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

@ralesk +1 about Ctrl+Down, who needs to reply to the last message with a quote? :)

MasterGroosha commented 8 years ago

@ralesk regarding "up" and "down":
Ctrl+Up to edit, because you update your message which is already in chat. Ctrl+Down to reply, because you add new message below others (and it's reply, since simple message can be sent without hitting any shortcuts)

@toxsedyshev "who needs to reply to the last message with a quote?" It's really important in big groups where several dialogues may be present at once. Or just to express emotion on opinion (+1, -1 etc. since Telegram lacks of this by default)

ralesk commented 8 years ago

Addendum (again from an accessibility view): if the chat history bit will be made focusable, then it would be useful to navigate with up and down there, effectively selecting/highlighting (whatever you want to call it) a particular message, and then pressing a reply shortcut for example (Ctrl+R reply, Ctrl+F forward, anyone? Like in a mail client?) will be actually useful. Until then, Up/Down doing what they do now is kinda confusing and annoying to be honest

ralesk commented 8 years ago

@Kondra007 if it's a reply to the last message, there's not too much need for the reply-ness :) Although I do understand that it fixes any ambiguity.

MasterGroosha commented 8 years ago

@ralesk Unfortunately, when you start replying to currently the last message in big chats, there may appear 1-5 more by the time you finish answering. Common case in big groups I think.

ralesk commented 8 years ago

@Kondra007 Good point.

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

@Kondra007 you could just send a message and everybody understand that it's a reply for the last message. If you always reply with quotes, it makes chat unreadable, from my point.

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

@Kondra007 Yep, good point, but anyway it's unreadable when used for every reply...

MasterGroosha commented 8 years ago

@toxsedyshev No one suggests always making a reply, but still replies are very important in Telegram, since we have supergroups up to 5k.
That's only my personal opinion, of course.

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

In that case how to use it? If you want to reply to particular message with a quote but it's already not the last message :) Maybe several presses of Ctrl+Down?

MasterGroosha commented 8 years ago

No, you understood me wrong.
By the time you start replying, that particular message is the last one, but no one guarantees, that after finishing writing the message there won't be 1-5 another from other people and on different topic. See the difference? Just an obvious example:

A: Let's go for walk. You start writing "good idea, I wanted to do this since morning" B: By the way, did you see Sam posting shitty stickers here yesterday? C: Yeah. D: That's disgusting E: Shall we ban him? You: good idea, I wanted to do this since morning (just finished writing)

toxsedyshev commented 8 years ago

No, I understood you right. But you said "No one suggests always making a reply". If you don't reply to every message with a quote, one press of Ctrl+Down won't work. If you do - it makes chat unreadable.

MasterGroosha commented 8 years ago

Errrm..what? If you want to quickly start replying to the last message without ever touching your mouse, you can press Ctrl+Down and start replying. However if you're sure you'll be understood correctly (see my example above), you may simply write a message without any replies.

What is more, replies allow to quickly scroll through the whole discussion on particular topic reading only relevant messages and automatically skipping irrelevant ones (since you can click on reply and watch that message and so on)