telegraphic / pfb_introduction

An interactive introduction to the polyphase filterbank technique for radio astronomy spectrometers
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Polyphase filterbanks: an interactive introduction

This repository provides some useful materials for understanding polyphase filterbanks (PFBs). Foremostly, this repo provides an interactive notebook that gives a gentle walkthrough of how polyphase filterbanks work. Also provided is Python PFB code, some supplementary diagrams and a list of useful references.

Getting started

While you can view the notebook on github, it's more illustrative to run it youself. To run the notebook on your local computer, you'll need to clone this repo and have a working scientific python environment installed (jupyter, numpy, scipy and seaborn). If you don't have this set up, the Anaconda python environment is a good choice.

To run the notebook, start the jupyter notebook server running from the pfb_introduction directory, by running on the command line:

> jupyter notebook

This will open your browser, from which you can launch the pfb_introduction.ipynb notebook.


The materials herein are licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0.


If you find this useful, please consider citing the accompanying Chapter of the Handbook of Astronomical Instrumentation. This is available on arxiv:

Danny C. Price, Spectrometers and Polyphase Filterbanks in Radio Astronomy, 2016. arXiv 1607.03579