telvarost / AnnoyanceFix-StationAPI

Babric - StationAPI version of the AnnoyanceFix mod
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
5 stars 2 forks source link

AnnoyanceFix StationAPI Edition for Minecraft Beta 1.7.3


If you're looking for the ModLoader edition, see this repository:

If you're looking for skin fixes and inventory fixes:

This version of the mod now supports multiplayer!

The aim of this mod is to fix (major) annoyances or backport useful features that do not affect gameplay. List of fixes:

To use pick block: Look at something and click your scroll wheel. If it's in your inventory, it will automatically be selected.

Installation using Prism Launcher

  1. Download an instance of Babric for Prism Launcher:
  2. Install Java 17, set the instance to use it, and disable compatibility checks on the instance:
  3. Add StationAPI to the mod folder for the instance:
  4. Add Mod Menu to the mod folder for the instance:
  5. Add GlassConfigAPI 2.0+ to the mod folder for the instance:
  6. Add this mod to the mod folder for the instance:
  7. Run and enjoy! 👍


Got any suggestions on what should be added next? Feel free to share it by creating an issue. Know how to code and want to do it yourself? Then look below on how to get started.


Thanks for considering contributing! To get started fork this repository, make your changes, and create a PR.

If you are new to StationAPI consider watching the following videos on Babric/StationAPI Minecraft modding: