tembo-io / trunk

Package manager and registry for Postgres extensions
PostgreSQL License
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Trunk is an open source package manager and registry for PostgreSQL (Postgres) extensions:


Trunk CLI


To get started, run the following commands to download and leverage cargo to install Trunk's CLI.

  1. curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
  2. cargo install pg-trunk


The Trunk CLI allows for building, publishing and installing Postgres extensions of all kinds. It abstracts away complexities of extension development and management with the following commands:

trunk build

Compile extensions of all kinds.

❯ trunk build
Building from path .
Detected that we are building a pgrx extension
Detected pgrx version range 0.7.4
Using pgrx version 0.7.4
Building pgrx extension at path .
Creating package at: ./.trunk/pgmq-0.5.0.tar.gz
Create Trunk bundle:
Packaged to ./.trunk/pgmq-0.5.0.tar.gz

trunk publish

Publish extensions to the registry, making them available to the Postgres community for discovery and installation.

❯ trunk publish pgmq \
--version 0.5.0 \
--description "Message Queue for postgres" \
--documentation "https://github.com/tembo-io/pgmq" \
--repository "https://github.com/tembo-io/pgmq" \
--license "Apache-2.0" \
--homepage "https://www.tembo.io"

trunk install

Downloads Postgres extensions from the Trunk registry and installs into your environment (only Ubuntu support at this time).

Supports nested dependencies, e.g. installing extension_a will automatically install extension_b if required.

❯ trunk install pgmq
Using pg_config: /usr/bin/pg_config
Using pkglibdir: "/usr/lib/postgresql/15/lib"
Using sharedir: "/usr/share/postgresql/15"
Downloading from: https://cdb-plat-use1-prod-pgtrunkio.s3.amazonaws.com/extensions/pgmq/pgmq-0.5.0.tar.gz
Dependencies: ["pg_partman"]
Installing pgmq 0.5.0
[+] pgmq.so => /usr/lib/postgresql/15/lib
[+] extension/pgmq--0.5.0.sql => /usr/share/postgresql/15
[+] extension/pgmq.control => /usr/share/postgresql/15

Trunk Registry - https://pgt.dev

The Trunk registry serves as a community hub for Postgres extensions of all kinds. The Trunk CLI installs extensions and their dependencies as compiled artifacts from this registry.

It's our goal to develop Trunk to allow for:

✨ Contributing

Trunk is in active development, and we look forward to the contributions the Postgres community has to offer. If you're interested in contributing, please open a pull request, issue, or reach out!

Thanks goes to these incredible people: