tempire / MojoExample

Mojolicious example with DBIx::Class schema load, deploy, fixtures, and tests.
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how to use mojolicious on windows #7

Closed avay closed 10 years ago

avay commented 11 years ago

Hi, I am a new learner and i really interested in using his web framework on windows. I have installed Strawberry Perl on windows 32 bit. I also installed Mojolicious using Cpan . but found errors on hitting enter after "morbo hello" like

Can't opendir(templates): Invalid argument at C:/Strawberry/perl/site/bin/../lib/Mojo/Home.pm line 66.

I don't know what are the requirements and steps to be followed to simply print a hello on the web. I need a tutorial or say documentation for windows. Thanks in advance for helping me

chorny commented 10 years ago

See http://mojolicio.us/perldoc/Mojolicious/Guides/Cookbook#Built-in_web_server

zoffixznet commented 8 years ago

I know this is ancient, but it just showed up for me on Google:

Can't opendir(templates): Invalid argument at C:/Strawberry/perl/site/bin/../lib/Mojo/Home.pm line 66.

This is because you're running it in your Windows home dir. It has this "special" templates dir in it that users can't read, and morbo tries to find the templates dir in the current dir. Just cd to another dir.