tempire / MojoExample

Mojolicious example with DBIx::Class schema load, deploy, fixtures, and tests.
138 stars 28 forks source link





Running on Heroku

Heroku is running Hypnotoad, the full featured UNIX optimized preforking non-blocking I/O HTTP 1.1 and WebSocket server built around the very well tested and reliable Mojo::Server::Daemon with IPv6, TLS, Bonjour, libev and hot deployment support that just works.

To easily deploy your own Mojolicious app to Heroku, check out Deploy Perl Mojolicious web apps to Heroku.


A minimum of Perl 5.10 is required. If your Perl is too old, Perlbrew is über easy to install!

If you must run on Perl 5.8, you can try a back-ported version of Mojolicious, but you're on your own :)


git clone git@github.com:tempire/MojoExample.git
cd MojoExample

Install the Carton package manager. Carton will install all dependencies to the local/ sub-directory.

curl -L cpanmin.us | perl - Carton
carton install


Full app

carton exec morbo script/mojo_full

Light app

carton exec morbo mojolite


Copyright License

Copyright (C) 2008-2014, Glen Hinkle.

MojoExample is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl5 (http://dev.perl.org/licenses/).