tendy-s / OutDoorly

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A tool for exploring national parks in the US

Project Description:


OutDoorly empowers hiking enthusiasts to effortlessly discover the diverse beauty of the US wilderness. Through tailoring search results to individual preferences such as activities and location, the app encourages users to both interact with nature in a way that resonates with their interests and connect with other adventurers through sharing reviews and photos.

Project task requirements:

3-5 minimal requirements (will definitely complete)

3-7 "standard" requirements (will most likely complete)

2-3 stretch requirements (plan to complete at least 1!)

Description on how tech from Units 1-5 are used in the project

Unit 1 – HTML/CSS/JS

JavaScript is the foundation of OutDoorly, as it enables both the back-end and the front-end. Throughout our codebase, we make use of Jsx to specify the relevant HTML tags we wish to render, such as <img>, <form>, <h2> and <div>, and their attributes to create structure and emphasize content. For styling, aligning, space distribution and responsive design considerations, we applied various CSS selectors, including our own customized versions, and defined rules (e.g. setting max and min height/width to 100%, displaying Flex and the appropriate direction).

Unit 2 – React/Redux

All of our front-end components (e.g. PhotosModal, ReviewsTable, ResultsListing, and SearchForm) are written in React, which gives us the flexibility to pass in props and call hooks like useState (e.g. for uploading files) and useEffect (e.g. for initializing our parks details page). In addition, we imported a number of React components from Material UI to ensure a consistent look and feel. Redux is essential for persisting state across the various pages of our application, which is required to support our park querying and park details workflows as they’re dependent on data from previous screens (e.g. the search results rely on the data entered by the user in the parks form). We also access the Redux store to dispatch actions such as a “searchForParks” thunk, reducers for setting search distance and submitting user reviews, and tracking pagination.

Unit 3 – Node & Express

Our backend is built using Node and Express, which involves defining routes that map to specified endpoints and attaching corresponding logic to handle data processing and retrieval. This involves interaction with our database in MongoDB and generating responses in JSON. The asynchronous nature of Node allows for efficient handling of multiple requests concurrently, which results in a scalable and efficient backend system.

Unit 4 – MongoDB

Our database utilizes MongoDB, which holds data of national parks initially sourced from the US National Parks API. Since the data for each park was already in a JSON format, it was suitable for a 'Parks' collection in our MongoDB database. Using the Mongoose library, we created a schema reflecting the existing structure, then added in new fields for user reviews and photos. A script was used to populate the JSON data for parks into our collection, and additional scripts used to clean and structure the data as needed. Initially run as a local database, we migrated our data to MongoDB Atlas a few weeks before deployment.

Unit 5 – Builds and Deployment

Render was leveraged to deploy our backend as a web service and our front end as a static site. Render was chosen as our hosting platform of choice since it checked all our boxes of being reliable, accessible, and its ease of use. We also chose Render (as opposed to other web services) because it integrates well with github and allows us to set up automatic builds and deployments effortlessly. Building a production level full stack application necessitates the use of unit 5 technologies since users will expect it to be accessible at virtually all times.

Description of ‘Above and Beyond’ functionality.

We went above and beyond the requirements by creating a coherent application that adheres to many UX principles (e.g. clear navigation, form validation, feedback messages, visual consistency, responsiveness), and leveraging resources from our own research to achieve our standard and stretch goals. For example:

Description of Next Steps

To further improve our app, we definitely would like to implement a better user workflow, where users would be able to view their liked parks, posted reviews and images and also be able to view parks based off of aggregated reviews. Additionally, we would implement a way for users to be able to login from any page and have state be maintained after login completion.

List of contributions

Rough sketch prototypes of key tasks

Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Screen 5