tenpn / ChestOfPropertyDrawers

A collection of small reusable Unity3D property drawers.
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A collection of open-source Unity3D property drawers

http://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/09/07/property-drawers-in-unity-4/ http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/PropertyDrawer.html

Property drawers are a new feature in Unity 4 to help you make custom inspectors without writing editor code. By just adding attributes to your behaviour's fields, you can turn the left image into the right:

Drawers before and after

Each directory contains one drawer, and some documentation.


Download the zip from the ZIP button above, expand into your Assets directory.

More Drawers

Got an idea for a drawer? No time? Suggest it in the issues page! https://github.com/tenpn/ChestOfPropertyDrawers/issues

Pull Requests

Pull requests more than welcome, but new drawers must be grainular enough to be of use to multiple projects.

New pull requests should be in this format:

 |- Editor
     |- PropertyDrawer.cs
 |- Attribute.cs
 |- ExampleUsage.cs
 |- readme.md

If you can embed pictures in your readmes, all the better.

Other Stuff

Partially-inspired by this Japanese(?) repro: https://github.com/anchan828/property-drawer-collection

For licensing, see license file