tensorflow / mlir-hlo

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MLIR-HLO: A Standalone "HLO" MLIR-based Compiler

The code here exists in two places:

This implements a self-contained compiler for a linear algebra set of operations inspired by XLA HLO IR using MLIR components. It is designed to provide an end-to-end flow independent of TensorFlow and XLA, but usable inside of these projects.

Coding practice and conventions in this repository follow the MLIR Developer Guide in this repo as part of the intent to act as an incubator for technology to upstream.

QuickStart: building and testing

These instructions work on Linux, you may have to adjust for your platform.

To build the code in this repository, you need a clone of the LLVM/MLIR git repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git

You need to make sure you have the right commit checked out in the LLVM repository (you need to do this every time you pull from this repo):

$ (cd llvm-project && git checkout $(cat ../build_tools/llvm_version.txt))

We provide a script to configure and build LLVM/MLIR:

$ build_tools/build_mlir.sh ${PWD}/llvm-project/ ${PWD}/llvm-build

Again this is something to do every time you pull from this repository and the LLVM revision changes.

Finally you can build and test this repository:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -GNinja \
$ ninja check-mlir-hlo


MLIR-HLO aims to provide an end-to-end compiler for CPU and GPU, as well as building reusable blocks for other accelerators. This is heavily inspired by the success of XLA.

XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra) is a domain-specific compiler framework and execution environment for linear algebra, which powers code-generation for ML frameworks like TensorFlow, JAX, and others.

A cornerstone of XLA is the HLO (High Level Optimizer) IR, which offers a carefully fixed selected list of operations, mostly orthogonal to each other. It provides an efficient optimizer for computations expressed with this set of operations and generate codes for hardware platforms like CPU, GPU, and TPUs. Its goal is to provide a uniform interface to compile and execute these optimized HLO programs independently of the targeted device. It is not a front-end ML system like TensorFlow or JAX, rather it is a backend framework that optimizes HLO and lowers to machine code.

The HLO set of operations is closed and has well defined semantics. HLO operations operate on immutable Tensors with static shapes (actually bounded shapes to be exact) and explicit broadcasts.

MLIR is a compiler infrastructure which intends to come with "battery included", as such it intends to provide all the blocks required to assemble graph optimization and codegen pipelines. The longer term roadmap for MLIR is to provide a Tensor Compute Primitive (TCP) dialect, which should hopefully be general enough to model what HLO represents today (see slides and recording for a technical discussion on this topic).

The work on MLIR-HLO can be seen as a stepping stone towards building TCP, while integrating intermediate components into XLA itself by relying on the well-proven HLO IR and introducing more pieces from upstream MLIR (Linalg, Vector, GPU dialect, ...). This document provides more information on the current migration of the XLA GPU codegen.

MLIR Dialects for XLA-style compilation

This repository defines three dialects to support a HLO-like compilation pipeline using MLIR:

We describe these in more details below.

HLO Client Dialect: chlo.



The chlo dialect started originally as mapping to the XLA client Builder APIs. It enables it to both be constructed and converted back to existing XLA interfaces using the XlaBuilder API. Due to the way that translation into and out of the dialect works, there is no expectation that this dialect roundtrips to XLA (e.g., it is only intended to be translated to MLIR and then legalized to another dialect or translated to HloInstructionProto).

The export approach of reusing the XlaBuilders enables reusing a lot of logic that was already implemented in terms of computing shapes, inserting broadcasts etc.

An important topic here is that XLA Client HLO ops are not a well defined set. And in particular what some would consider helper functions, others would consider ops. It should be easy to move between these and so define a new op along with the helper function or autogenerate the helper functions from the descriptions of the ops. For the former, a simple approach would be to simply consider the context in which the op is being constructed and if an MLIR one, construct a op in the client dialect instead of further calls into XlaBuilder. The latter could be implemented by adding the op and a legalization of the op to other known ops, from which a helper function can get generated that could be used as regular.

absl::Status: Exists but need to be cleaned up.

Meta HLO Dialect mhlo



The MHLO dialect has no direct export format, it is only meant as an intermediate optimization dialect/format. It is also where we can experiment cheaply with new ops. This format will be where the representation would differ from existing endpoints.

absl::Status: Exists but need to be cleaned up and evolved, in particular with respect to supporting dynamic shapes.

MHLO differs from XLA HLO op set in multiple ways, including:

  1. MHLO While accepts multiple operands and may produce multiple results instead;


LMHLO corresponds to late mhlo and operates on buffer domain (e.g., memref) with side-effecting operations. The lowering from mhlo dialect proceeds by way of scheduling, memory and buffer allocation. The current mapping is directly on XLA Client HLOs but without implicit broadcast and with operation on memrefs. This dialect will instead be rebased on mhlo dialect but operating on buffers still.



End-to-End pipeline


Alternative build setups

Building Python API

Building the MHLO Python API requires building as an LLVM external project. The below instructions presume that you have this mlir-hlo repo and an llvm-project repo checked out side by side.

Note that the python package produced by this procedure includes the mlir package and is not suitable for deployment as-is (but it can be included into a larger aggregate).

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -GNinja -B. ${LLVM_SRC_DIR}/llvm \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=$(which python) \

ninja MLIRHLOPythonModules
export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/tools/mlir_hlo/python_packages/mlir_hlo
python -c "import mlir.dialects.mhlo"

External projects that depend on mlir-hlo

External projects that need to depend on mlir-hlo (for example via a git submodule) can use the following setting in their cmake configuration in order for find_package(MHLO) to import all mlir-hlo cmake targets into their build setup and have access to the required include and lib variables (see generated MHLOConfig.cmake).

   -DMHLO_DIR=<path to mlir-hlo build dir>/lib/cmake/mlir-hlo