tentone / nunuStudio

Web powered cross-platform 3D, WebXR game engine.
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Blueprints/Visual Scripting #128

Open dreyn74 opened 6 years ago

dreyn74 commented 6 years ago

Visual Scripting

tentone commented 6 years ago


Node based scripting is something that was already discussed and i like the idea but i dont think that a lot of people will actually use it.

I might implement it after nunuStudio reaches a stable version, but its not a priority (same with block based scripting).

Thanks a lot for the suggestion, i hope that you comprehend.


weekendkoder commented 6 years ago


I am using Unity. Before i could write some Code, "visual scripting" was my entrance into this game engine. So i think Unity is also pretty popular, because it has these possibilities of many different visual scriptings you can use with it (PlayMaker f.e.).

As you said, it doesn´t has a big priority. Argue with that. But i think in the further development, you can get really a huge user-base if you support something like this.

NothersInGame commented 5 years ago

tentone look for the litegraph library made by jagenjo is very effective and its easy

tentone commented 5 years ago

I will take a look into it, but if i end up implementing somethig i will probably make a solution for nunuStudio.

NothersInGame commented 5 years ago

Ok... Its easy... You can see the code of a basic implementation of threejs "all math" and another things in my repository

NothersInGame commented 5 years ago

If you want, make a simple implementation of it that save all nodes and i can put threejs in nodes 😄

NothersInGame commented 5 years ago

A material editor in this way https://github.com/jagenjo/litegraph.js/raw/master/imgs/webglstudio.gif

StefansArya commented 3 years ago

I also want to suggest Blackprint. It haven't reach it's stable version yet, but maybe it can help with this project in the future.

It's pretty easy to create a new node and create an event listener for the port connection. I also made some node for Pixi.js's sprite, the canvas, and also media player as an example. You can try them from this link.

tentone commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for the suggestion you have done a pretty good work the library seems quite complete.

I'm already working on a custom solution for this, since I also want to experiment a bit with it.