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New animation editor feedback #161

Open pwkey opened 6 years ago

pwkey commented 6 years ago

Functionality of new animation editor


Just downloaded 0.9.3 and had a quick play with the animation editor. Very nice! :)

One question: the animation seems to be focused on individual animation of each object separately. However, an animation sequence is made up of synced animation of a number of different objects at different times, so the timeline needs to be a 'global' entity, with individual object animations inserted into this global timeline.

With the current implementation, how do you compare and synchronise the animations of individual objects into a sequence of perhaps overlapping timelines?

tentone commented 6 years ago


The animation system actually allows to have multiple objects being controlled by a single timeline.

That can be seen for example when you load an external model that contains bone animation the timeline attached to the mesh contains tracks to control multiple objects.

I have not added any GUI elements to allow cross control with the timeline. For custom attributes its already possible to add them. Im still trying to figure out the best way to add easy controllable parameters to script objects as well.

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pwkey commented 6 years ago


Good to know there is the inherent flexibility to control multiple objects from the same timeline.

FYI, I use Adobe Captivate for developing eLearning content and find it’s timeline is quite functional (although it is inherently 2D only so don’t have the 3rd dimension parameters to contend with!). Attached is a typical screenshot showing the timeline. It has implemented a drop down menu structure to show each object (or group) on the timeline. You can expand to access the various members of the group. So basically the menu structure displays all the actors in the scene on the timeline.

I am thinking in your case you could let the user right click on an object in the scene, have option to ‘Add animation’, at which point the object appears in the timeline and you can expand on the object in the timeline to select the ‘standard’ parameters to be animated or add new ones, much like your current functionality….



tentone commented 6 years ago


Yeah that could be a good solution.

As soon as i get some time i will try to implement it.

Thanks a lot.

pwkey commented 6 years ago

Excellent, please let me know when you do, as I would really like to start using this to develop some cool animations.

I will look separately at how to include an audio track also. I am not so much a programmer, so might take some time ☺

pwkey commented 5 years ago


Any update on this discussed functionality? :)