tentone / nunuStudio

Web powered cross-platform 3D, WebXR game engine.
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texture map set projection mode #410

Open eightxiao opened 4 years ago

eightxiao commented 4 years ago

Hi, Does nunstudio support texture map setting projection mode?such as cubic.


tentone commented 4 years ago


Yes nunuStudio have support for enviroment textures, with multiple projection modes available.

They are referred trough the hole app as cube textures but multiple modes are supported. Probably should rename them to enviroment maps ou something along those lines.

Thanks a lot!

eightxiao commented 4 years ago

I know that. But i'd like to know whether other textures are supported.Like the texture map in Physical material. 微信图片_20200629224426

I use Cinema 4D, its texture has this option. The arrow of the picture 微信图片_20200629223553

Thank you!