teodesian / playwright-perl

Perl bindings for playwright
MIT License
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Perl bindings for playwright, the amazing cross browser testing framework from Microsoft

Has this ever happened to you?

You're writing some acceptance test with Selenium::Remote:Driver, but you figure out selenium is a dead protocol? Finally, a solution!

Here's how it works

A little node webserver written in express is spun up which exposes the entire playwright API. We ensure the node deps are installed in a BEGIN block, and then spin up the proxy server. You then use playwright more or less as normal; see the POD in Playwright.pm for more details.

See example.pl in the toplevel of this project on gitHub for usage examples.

Supported Perls

Everything newer than 5.28 is supported.

Things should work on 5.20 or newer, but... Tests might fail due to Temp file weirdness with Test::MockFile.

Supported OS

Everything seems to work fine on OSX and Linux.

On Windows, you will have to approve a UAC prompt to exempt playwright_server from being firewalled off.


Everything should more or less set itself up automatically, or explode and tell you what to do. I assume you know how to get cpanm.

You might want to use distro packages for some of these:

sudo cpanm Dist::Zilla
dzil authordeps --missing | sudo cpanm
dzil listdeps --missing | sudo cpanm

From there you'll need nvm to get the latest verison of node working:

wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install node
nvm use node

Running dzil test should let you know if your kit is good to develop.

Actually running stuff will look like this after you generate the API json and modules:

PATH="$(pwd)/bin:$PATH" perl -Ilib example.pl

Dealing with api.json and generating modules

Playwright doesn't ship their api.json with the distribution on NPM. You have to generate it from their repo.

clone it in a directory that is the same as the one containing this repository. then run generate_api_json.sh to get things working such that the build scripts know what to do.

Then run generate_perl_modules.pl to get the accessor classes built based off of the spec, and insert the spec JSON into the playwright_server binary.

To make life simple, you can just run run_example in the TLD when debugging.


Hop into the playwright slack, and check out the #playwright-perl channel therein. I'm watching that space and should be able to answer your questions. https://aka.ms/playwright-slack

Apparently Microsoft is trying to migrate to Github's built in forums, so I've activated discussions on this project too (see the tab at the top).