teodosii / react-notifications-component

Delightful and highly customisable React Component to notify your users
MIT License
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notifications notifications-component react react-component react-notifications react-notifications-component toast-component toast-notifications

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A delightful, easy to use and highly configurable component to help you notify your users out of the box. No messy setup, just beautiful notifications!



alt text


Getting started

npm install react-notifications-component


First build the library

npm run build:library:dev

then run the webpack server to see the app running

npm run start


Import react-notifications-component

import { ReactNotifications } from 'react-notifications-component'

Import the CSS theme

import 'react-notifications-component/dist/theme.css'

SASS files are located in react-notifications-component/dist/scss

Render react-notifications-component at the top of your application so that it does not conflict with other absolutely positioned DOM elements.

const App = () => {
  return (
    <div className="app-container">
      <ReactNotifications />
      <Application />

Import Store where needed - will be used to access addNotification and removeNotification API methods

import { Store } from 'react-notifications-component';

Then call addNotification and watch the magic happens

  title: "Wonderful!",
  message: "teodosii@react-notifications-component",
  type: "success",
  insert: "top",
  container: "top-right",
  animationIn: ["animate__animated", "animate__fadeIn"],
  animationOut: ["animate__animated", "animate__fadeOut"],
  dismiss: {
    duration: 5000,
    onScreen: true


Note: We rely on animate.css in this example as animate__fadeIn and animate__fadeOut are part of animate.css. We recommend using it as it's an excellent animation library, but you're not forced to. If you prefer you may also use your custom animations as long as they're valid CSS animations.

Note: animate.css latest version (v4) has breaking changes. It introduces animate__ prefix so that existing classes don't clash. If you still would like to use classes without prefix you can import animate.css/animate.compat.css

// preferred way to import (from `v4`). Uses `animate__` prefix.
import 'animate.css/animate.min.css';

// Alternate way to use classes without prefix like `animated fadeIn`
import 'animate.css/animate.compat.css'

In the examples, we will be using classes with animate__ prefix, which is the default behaviour of latest v4 version of animate.css.

For more info on how to use animate.css, please refer to animate.css docs



Render a new notification. Method returns a unique id for the rendered notification. Supplied options are internally validated and an exception will be thrown if validation fails.


Manually remove a notification by id.


In the following examples for brevity some options will not be mentioned. Strictly focusing on the needed options to present each example. For reference, we will be using Object spread operator on a notification object to have non relevant fields included as well.

notification = {
  title: "Wonderful!",
  message: "Configurable",
  type: "success",
  insert: "top",
  container: "top-right",
  animationIn: ["animate__animated animate__fadeIn"], // `animate.css v4` classes
  animationOut: ["animate__animated animate__fadeOut"] // `animate.css v4` classes

Notification container

You have in total 6 containers for desktop and 2 for mobile, if component is set to be responsive. List of containers:

  container: 'top-right'

Will position the notification in top right of the screen.

Notification type

List of types:

  type: 'danger'

Will trigger a danger notification.


  animationIn: ['animate__animated animate__fadeIn'], // `animate.css v4` classes
  animationOut: ['animate__animated animate__fadeOut'] // `animate.css v4` classes

animationIn and animationOut rely on CSS classes that toggle animations. On github pages we rely on animate.css, we suggest you to import that package and use their animations as they have plenty.

Note: Failing to have animations set properly will lead to bugs in some causes, as react-notifications-component relies on onAnimationEnd event to know when an animation has finished.

Dismiss notification automatically after timeout expires

  dismiss: {
    duration: 2000

Dismiss notification automatically with the time left shown on UI

  dismiss: {
    duration: 2000,
    onScreen: true

Subscribe to notification's removal

Easily subscribe to onRemoval by supplying callback as option to the notification object. Callback will get called after the removal animation finishes.

  onRemoval: (id, removedBy) => {

Pause notification's timeout by hovering

  dismiss: {
    duration: 2000,
    pauseOnHover: true

Change transition

  slidingExit: {
    duration: 800,
    timingFunction: 'ease-out',
    delay: 0

slidingEnter, touchRevert and touchSlidingExit can all be configured in the same way, with the mention that touchSlidingExit has 2 transitions nested.

  touchSlidingExit: {
    swipe: {
      duration: 400,
      timingFunction: 'ease-out',
      delay: 0,
    fade: {
      duration: 400,
      timingFunction: 'ease-out',
      delay: 0


Name Type Description
isMobile Boolean Set whether you want component to be responsive or not. To be used together with breakpoint
breakpoint Number Breakpoint for responsiveness - defaults to 768px
types Array Custom types
className string Classes assigned to the container
id string Id of the container


Name Type Description
id String Id of the notification. Supply option only if you prefer to have custom id, otherwise you should let the component handle generation for you.
onRemoval Function Gets called on notification removal with id and removedBy arguments
title String, React Node or Functional Component Title of the notification. Option is ignored if content is set, otherwise it is required.
message String, React Node or Functional Component Message of the notification. Option is ignored if content is set, otherwise it is required.
content Object Custom notification content, must be either Class Component, Functional Component or React element. If being supplied as functional or class component, id and notificationConfig will be supplied as prop. notificationConfig will return the parsed notification object as defined in the library.
type String Type of the notification. Option is ignored if content is set, otherwise it is required.
container String Container in which the notification will be displayed. Option is required.
insert String Specify where to append notification into the container - top or bottom. Option defaults to top.
dismiss Dismiss Specify how a notification should be dismissed.
animationIn Array Array of CSS classes for animating the notification's entrance.
animationOut Array Array of CSS classes for animating the notification's exit.
slidingEnter Transition Transition to be used when sliding to show a notification.
slidingExit Transition Transition to be used when sliding to remove a notification.
touchRevert Transition Transition to be used when sliding back after an incomplete swipe.
touchSlidingExit Transition Transition to be used when sliding on swipe.
width Number Overwrite notification's width defined by CSS


Transition is used each time you define a transition.

Name Type Description
duration Number Transition duration in ms. Its default value ranges from 300 to 600, depending on transition
timingFunction String CSS timing function for the transition, defaults to linear
delay Number Delay of the transition in ms, defaults to 0


Dismiss is used to describe how a notification should be dismissed.

Name Type Description
duration Number Time in milliseconds after notification gets dismissed. 0 will act as infinite duration. Defaults to 0
onScreen Boolean Show time left directly on the notification. Defaults to false
pauseOnHover Boolean Hovering over notification will pause the dismiss timer. Defaults to false
waitForAnimation Boolean When removing a notification by default we trigger the exit animation and the transition to height 0 at the same time. Setting this to true will wait for the exit animation to finish and then start the transition to height 0. Defaults to false
click Boolean Enable dismissal by click, defaults to true
touch Boolean Enable dismiss by touch move, defaults to true
showIcon Boolean Show or hide the close icon, defaults to false. If set to true, it will respond to click interaction and will remove notification

Migration from v1
