teofum / rust_raytracer

Following the book "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" by Peter Shirley, implemented in Rust.
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A CPU path-tracing renderer written in Rust, largely following the Ray Tracing in One Weekend book series, with some additions of my own.

Everything is done "from scratch" as much as possible: no math libraries are used, and external dependencies are limited to fast RNG with the rand/rand_pcg crates and reading/writing of image files with the image crate.

Sample renders

Sample render 0 Default scene, Suzanne (~15.7k tris), sky + sun lights. 1200x800 @4000spp (10 threads), ~6m40s
Sample render 1 scenes/light_test, Suzanne (~15.7k tris). 2400x1600 @1000spp (10 threads), ~20m
Sample render 2 scenes/cornell_dragon, Stanford dragon (~870k tris). 1200x1200 @1000spp (10 threads), ~41m

(Render times as measured on 11-core Apple M3 Pro)


Simply run cargo run --release in the project directory. Don't run a debug build even for testing, it'll be horribly slow. It should run on any platform, but isn't tested on anything other than macOS on arm64.

Command line args

Usage: rust_raytracer [<scene>] [<flags>]

<scene> is one of a few default scene names or the path to a scene file (some sample scene files are included in scenes/). If no scene is specified, the default scene will be rendered.

<flags> is a space-separated list of flags and parameters. No parameters are required, but I recommend specifying at least the -t parameter as the renderer defaults to single-threaded. Default values for all parameters depend on the scene.

Flags follow a -f=<value> or --flag=<value> format. Many flags have a one-letter short variant.

The following flags can be used:

-w, --width: Render output width, in pixels.
-r, --aspect-ratio: Aspect ratio, determines render height.
-f, --focal-length: Camera focal length, in mm (35mm equivalent).
-a, --aperture: Lens aperture as an f-number. Controls depth blur.
-d, --focus-dist: Focus distance. By default focus is at the point the camera is looking to.
-c, --camera-position: Position of the camera as a point.
-l, --look-at: Camera target point.
-t, --threads: Number of threads to use, defaults to 1.
-s, --samples: Samples per pixel, upper bound. Defaults to 250.
--max-depth: Max recursion depth when bouncing rays around. Defaults to 20.
--light-bias: Light bias amount for diffuse scattering. 0 is completely unbiased (true diffuse), 1 sends all rays towards light sources (no GI). Defaults to 0.25.

Note on samples per pixel

Because of the pixel stratifying used when sampling, the number of samples per thread must be a square of an integer (1, 4, 9, 25, 36, ...). This means the renderer can't always use the number of samples specified with -s, which is instead interpreted as the maximum number of samples per pixel to use.

For example: rendering with 10 threads at 100spp, each thread should sample 10 times. The closest square below 10 is 9, so each thread will take 9 samples per pixel (in a 3x3 pattern) for a total of 90spp.

The program will output actual samples used before starting the render.

What it does

What it doesn't do

Code structure

Hopefully the module structure should be pretty clear as to what everything does. main.rs does little more than load a scene, call the render function and save a file. Most of the rendering core is in the Camera struct (src/camera.rs). Ray intersections are handled by each object type implementing the Hit trait (in src/objects) and scattering is handled by each material (in src/material).

The code is written with performance in mind, but not super-optimized; it can probably be made to run a lot faster. As a learning project, clarity comes first: you should be able to read the code and understand how a path tracer works.