teragrep / cfe_16

HTTP Event Capture to Syslog bridge
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
1 stars 3 forks source link
bridge converter hec http-event-collector java log log-collector log-management logging relp relp-client syslog

:opening-bracket: [ :closing-bracket: ]

= HTTP Event Capture, HEC, to Syslog Build Status

== License AGPLv3 with link:https://github.com/teragrep/cfe_16/blob/master/LICENSE#L665-L670[additional permissions] granted in the license.

== Compiling

[source, shell script]

mvn clean verify package

== Running

=== Configuration

Default properties location is at config/application.properties

Supported protocols are RELP, TCP, UDP.

[source, properties]

syslog.server.host= syslog.server.port=601 syslog.server.protocol=RELP max.channels=1000000 max.ack.value=1000000 max.ack.age=20000 max.session.age=30000 poll.time=300000 config.poll.time=5000 spring.devtools.add-properties=false server.print.times=true

NOTE: It is advised to use RELP and rsyslog for reception for data durability.

=== Execution

[source, shell script]

java -jar target/cfe_16.jar

== Testing

=== Performance Performance test client execution

Test client is located in class com.teragrep.cfe_16.TestClient

TestClient parameters:

. cfe_16 server hostname . cfe_16 server port . number of threads . number of loops per thread

Connect to Spring embedded Tomcat at localhost:8080, and instantiate one thread doing the HTTP requests.

[source, shell script]

java -classpath target/classes com.teragrep.cfe_16.TestClient localhost 8080 1 4

NOTE: It is advised to warm up the JVM before reporting the results by running a warm-up loop with intended amount of threads and 50 loops per thread.

== Contributing

// Change the repository name in the issues link to match with your project's name

You can involve yourself with our project by https://github.com/teragrep/cfe_16/issues/new/choose[opening an issue] or submitting a pull request.

Contribution requirements:

. All changes must be accompanied by a new or changed test. If you think testing is not required in your pull request, include a sufficient explanation as why you think so. . Security checks must pass . Pull requests must align with the principles and http://www.extremeprogramming.org/values.html[values] of extreme programming. . Pull requests must follow the principles of Object Thinking and Elegant Objects (EO).

Read more in our https://github.com/teragrep/teragrep/blob/main/contributing.adoc[Contributing Guideline].

=== Contributor License Agreement

Contributors must sign https://github.com/teragrep/teragrep/blob/main/cla.adoc[Teragrep Contributor License Agreement] before a pull request is accepted to organization's repositories.

You need to submit the CLA only once. After submitting the CLA you can contribute to all Teragrep's repositories.